Passport 6400
Passport 4400 and 6400
Quick Start Guide
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide
Publication: 241-6401-280
Document status: Standard
Document version: 6.0S1
Document date: August 1999
Copyright © 1999 Nortel Networks.
All Rights Reserved.
Printed in Canada
NORTEL NETWORKS, the globemark design, the NORTEL NETWORKS corporate logo, and
PASSPORT are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
On the 4400 15
Configure the 4400 20
Configure the 6400 20
Verifying the MPANL connection 22
On the 4400 22
On the 6400 22
Troubleshooting the MPANL connection 23
Interworking Guide 7.0M1
On the 6400 hosting the primary RSA 34
On the 6400 hosting the secondary RSA 35
Verifying the RSI - RSA connection 36
On the 4400 36
On the 6400 with the primary RSA 36
On the 6400 with the secondary RSA 36
241-6401-115 7.0M1
List of figures
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
MPANL over a dedicated line 13
MPANL tunneled through public frame relay 19
Network management connection to a 4400 26
A simplified RSI - RSA configuration example 34
Interworking Guide 7.0M1
241-6401-115 7.0M1
About this document
This document covers the basic provisioning needed to bring up a
Multiservice Passport Access Network Link (MPANL) between a Passport
4400 and 6400.
Also included is a section on establishing a network management connection
to the 4400, and a section on configuring the RSI -RSA components required
for voice networking.
How this document is setup
Each section includes an example configuration with typical variables. The
commands that follow use the variables from the example. When you use the
commands, replace the example variables with variables unique to your
network setup.
The examples and commands use and assume default values wherever
When to use this document
The provisioning in this guide occurs after
the 4400 expansion modules are installed, the box is installed and the
cables connected
the 6400 cards are installed, software downloaded, cables connected and
a network management station has access to the node
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
About this document
Related documents
This document uses commands and information found in the Passport 4400
and 6400 suite of documents. When you require additional information,
consult the following documents:
Passport 4400
800-1943-20, Analog Voice Manual
800-1944-20, T1/E1 and DVM Manual
800-1951-20, Hardware Manual
800-1950-20, CLI Reference
800-1952-20, Operator’s Manual
Passport 6400
241-6401-275 Passport 6400 NMS Connectivity Guide
241-6401-050 Passport 6400 Commands
241-6401-765 Passport 6400 Remote Server Agent Guide
241-6401-480 Passport 6400 Multiservice Passport Access Network Link
241-6401-755 Passport 6400 Voice Networking Guide
241-6401-115 Passport 6400, 4400 Interworking Guide
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Logging onto the Passport switches
Log onto the Passport 4400
Connect the supplied RJ45 cable from the serial port on your computer or
teminal to the local management port on the 4400.
Open a terminal emulation session with the following settings
Data Rate: 9600 bps
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
The port is self sensing. A welcome screen and command line prompt
Log onto the Command Line Interface (CLI)
> cli
Ignore the password prompt and hit the <enter> key.
Reload the default settings into memeory. This command is optional.
CLI> reset system default reset
Log onto the Passport 6400
This document assumes that a network management workstation is already
connected to either the 6400 locally, or is connected to the Passport Network
and can access the 6400 remotely.
This assumption is based on the usual practice of deploying and setting up the
Passport 6400 nodes prior to the deployment of the 4400s.
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Logging onto the Passport switches
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL over a dedicated line
Figure 1 shows an example of MPANL over a dedicated line. The commands
that follow use the variables from this example. When you configure your
MPANL, replace the example variables with variables unique to your network
The example shows the two Passports as co-located for the sake of simplicity.
However, a dedicated line to a remote 4400 typically travels through a variety
of facilities.
Figure 1
MPANL over a dedicated line
Node name: MPA_1
Prefix DNA : 302102100501
Node name: PPNODE
Passport 6400
Passport 4400
Dedicated line
Port 2 (DTE)
lp/5 v35/1
PPT 7_505 002 NC
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL over a dedicated line
Configure the 4400
CLI> def msm profile dnaPrefix "302102100501"
The Prefix DNA normally derives from link information.
For example:
DNIC 3021
RID 02
MID 10
Lp 05
Port 01
CLI> set system administration nodename "MPA_1"
You do not require a nodename, but it is typically included. Although not
shown in this example, the nodename appears within the prompt.
CLI> save config update
CLI> reset system current reset
Configure the 6400
> start prov
PROV> add sw lpt/MPANL_DED
PROV> set sw lpt/MPANL_DED featureList mpaNetworkLink
frameRelayUniPvcSvc frameRelayMmtc
PROV> check prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
PROV> add sh card/5
PROV> set sh card/5 cardType v35
PROV> add lp/5
PROV> set lp/5 logicalProcessorType Sw Lpt/MPANL_DED
PROV> set lp/5 mainCard sh card/5
PROV> add lp/5 V35/1
PROV> set lp/5 v35/1 linkMode dce
PROV> set lp/5 v35/1 lineSpeed 64000
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL over a dedicated line 15
Note: The 6400 needs to match the 4400 linespeed. This example uses
the 4400’s default setting of 64 kb/s.
PROV> add mpanl/51
PROV> add mpanl/51 framer
PROV> set mpanl/51 framer int lp/5 v35/1
PROV> check prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
PROV> commit prov
PROV> end prov
Verifying the MPANL connection
Once the provisioning is complete on both the 4400 and 6400, verify the link.
On the 4400
From the 4400, verify the link is operational using the following command to
list the link overview information.
CLI> show msm linkstatus table
: 149
: dte
: up
LocalComponentName : "MPA_1 MPANL/149"
RemoteComponentName: "PPNODE Mpanl/51 SigMpanl"
RemoteGenCfgType : nortelAccessDevice
: up
When the MPANL is up, local and remote node names are displayed. The
LAPF and PANL status display as up.
If using a 2.0 release, use the following command:
CLI> show msm dtelinkstatus table
: 149
: up
LocalComponentName : "MPA_1 MPANL/149"
RemoteComponentName: "PPNODE Mpanl/51 SigMpanl"
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL over a dedicated line
From the 6400
From the 6400 workstation, verify the link is operational using the following
commands to display link a variety of information:
> d lp/5 v35/1
Unlocked and enabled.
> d mpanl/51 sig
Unlocked and enabled.
> d mpanl/51 framer
Unlocked and enabled.
> d mpanl/51 sigm
Unlocked and enabled;
dteComponentName - "MPA_1";
CurrentState - informationTransfer.
> d mpanl/51 prefixDna/*
Troubleshooting the MPANL connection
If your MPANL fails to come up, check the following items.
From the 4400
Check all cabling. Ensure all cables are correct for the interface type and
Use the following commands to check the operational state of the MPANL
CLI> show wan stat port t
Verify there are no link over or under runs, link errors or bad packets.
CLI> show msm profile
Verify the Prefix DNA is configured correctly.
CLI> show fr line user dlcmiPVC operational table
Verify LMI type is set to none.
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL over a dedicated line 17
From the 6400
Check all cabling . Ensure all cables are correct for the interface type and
Check the Passport patch panel connections.
Use the following commands to check the operational state of the MPANL
> d lp/5 v35/1
Unlocked and enabled.
> d mpanl/51 sig
Unlocked and enabled.
> d mpanl/51 framer
Unlocked and enabled;
Verify frames are being sent to/from the interface.
> d mpanl/51 sigm
Unlocked and enabled;
dteComponentName - “MPA_1”;
currentState - informationTransfer.
>d mapanl/51 prefixDna/*
Verify the 4400 PrefixDna is listed.
>d lp/5 v35/1
Verify linespeed is set to “64000” b/s and the mode is set to DCE.
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL over a dedicated line
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL tunneled through
public frame relay
Figure 2 shows an example of MPANL tunneled through public frame relay.
The commands that follow use the variables from this example. When you
configure your MPANL, replace the example variables with variables unique
to your network setup.
Figure 2
MPANL tunneled through public frame relay
Node name: MPA_1
Prefix DNA: 302102100501
Assigned DLCI by Public frame relay: 21
Node name: PPNODE
Passport 6400
Passport 4400
Port 2 (DTE)
Public frame relay
lp/5 v35/1
PPT 7_505 001 NC
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL tunneled through public frame relay
Configure the 4400
CLI> def msm profile dnaPrefix "302102100501"
The Prefix DNA normally derives from link information.
For example:
DNIC 3021
Port 01
CLI> set system administration nodename "MPA_1"
A nodename is not required, but is typically included. Although not shown
in this example, the nodename appears within the CLI prompt.
CLI> def fr tunnel 149
CLI> add fr tunnel 149 21 limi 2 dtepanl
CLI> def fr line user dlcmipvc 155 ansi
If using release 2.0, use the following two commands in place of the
previous three commands:
CLI> def fr line user dlci lmitype 155 ansiT1617D-1994
CLI> define wan tunnelPVC dlci 153 21
the 3rd party frame relay network supplies the DLCI number
CLI> save config update
CLI> reset system current reset
Configure the 6400
> start prov
PROV> add sw lpt/MPANL_MUX
PROV> set sw lpt/MPANL_MUX featureList mpaNetworkLink
frameRelayMux frameRelayUni frameRelayMmtc
PROV> check prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL tunneled through public frame relay 21
PROV> add sh card/5
PROV> set sh card/5 cardType v35
PROV> add lp/5
PROV> set lp/5 logicalProcessorType Sw Lpt/MPANL_MUX
PROV> set lp/5 mainCard sh card/5
PROV> add lp/5 V35/1
PROV> set lp/5 v35/1 linkMode dce
PROV> set lp/5 v35/1 lineSpeed 64000
Note: Linespeed is the aggregate of all 4400s connecting to this port. For
example, if you added a second MPANL with a linespeed of 64000 to this
port, the linespeed in the command becomes 128000.
This document’s example uses the 4400 default value of 64 Kb/s.
Normally, linespeed is negotiated with the third party network provider.
PROV> add frmux/51
PROV> set frmux/51 framer int lp/5 v35/1
PROV> set frmux/51 lmi procedures ansi
Assumes the third party Frame Relay Network uses an ANSI LMI
PROV> add frmux/51 dlci/17
PROV> add mpanl/5117
PROV> add mpanl/5117 FrMuxSetup
PROV> set mpanl/5117 FrMuxSetup PvcSetup dlciName
frmux/51 dlci/17 ApplInfo
Note: Each additional instance of MPANL to frmux/51 requires a
separate DLCI, as provisioned in the above four commands.
PROV> check prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
PROV> commit prov
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL tunneled through public frame relay
PROV> end prov
Verifying the MPANL connection
Once the provisioning is complete on both the 4400 and 6400, verify the link.
On the 4400
CLI> show msm linkstatus table
: 149
: dte
: up
LocalComponentName : "MPA_1 MPANL/149"
RemoteComponentName: "PPNODE mpanl/5117 SigMpanl"
RemoteGenCfgType : nortelAccessDevice
: up
When the MPANL is up, the local and remote node names are displayed.
The LAPF and PANL status display as up.
Note: If using a 2.0 release, use the command:
CLI> show msm dtelinkstatus table
: 155
: up
LocalComponentName : "MPA_1 MPANL/155"
RemoteComponentName: "PPNODE mpanl/5117 SigMpanl"
On the 6400
> d lp/5 v35/1
Unlocked and enabled.
> d frmux/51
Unlocked and enabled.
> d frmux/51 lmi
Unlocked and enabled;
protocolStatus - normalCondition.
> d frmux/51 framer
Unlocked and enabled;
no errors displayed;
frames being sent to/from the interface.
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL tunneled through public frame relay 23
> d frmux/51 dlci/17
Unlocked and enabled;
usageState - busy;
aBitStatusFromIf - active.
> d mpanl/5117 sig
Unlocked and enabled.
> d mpanl/5117 sigm
Unlocked and enabled,
dteComponentName - "MPA_1",
currentState - informationTransfer.
> d mpanl/5117 prefixDna/*
Troubleshooting the MPANL connection
If your MPANL does not come up:
On the 4400
Check all cabling. Ensure all cables are correct for the interface type and
Ensure the connection to the 3rd party frame relay network is correct.
Ensure the LMI protocol is set to that of the frame relay network.
CLI> show wan port t
Verify there are no link over or under runs, link errors or bad packets.
CLI> show msm profile
Verify the Prefix DNA is configured correctly.
CLI>show fr line user dlcmiPVC operational table
Verify your tunnelling DLCI matchs that of the Frame Relay network.
On the 6400
Check all cabling. Ensure all cables are correct for the interface type and
Check the Passport patch panel connections
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring an MPANL tunneled through public frame relay
Check the operational status of the framer
> d mpanl/5117 framer
Unlocked and enabled;
verify that frames are being sent to/from the interface.
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring a network management
connection to a 4400
The objective of this section is to enable network management connectivity
between a network management terminal and the Passport 4400. Once
connected, a network operator at the terminal can open a telnet or NMS
session to the 4400 for further provisioning and surveillance. The network
management terminal can be located anywhere in the network.
The 6400 commands assume the network management core router (NMCR)
is not yet set up. However, in a typical Passport network, the 6400 nodes are
up and running prior to 4400 deployment.
A single FRUNI interface can be used for multiple Passport 4400s.
However, each 4400 requires its own SPVC connection to the network
management core router (configured as an ILS virtual router).
This section assumes the 4400 has an active MPANL into the Passport
Figure 3 shows an example of a network management connection to a
Passport 4400. The commands that follow use the variables in this example.
When you configure your network management connection, replace the
example variables with variables unique to your network setup.
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring a network management connection to a 4400
Figure 3
Network management connection to a 4400
Passport 4400
Subnet A
Prefix DNA: 30210111052
IfIndex 4 IP:
6-Port Ethernet FP
FrUni DNA: 302101100699
Ethernet Port
Virtual hairpin
Logical interface
Network management
PPT 7_505 003 NC
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring a network management connection to a 4400 27
Configure the 4400
CLI> define bridge global ipProtocol routed
CLI> add ip address entry 4
CLI> define ip base parameter dataLinkType 4
CLI> define ip base parameter routeProtocolType 4 passiveRip
Note: The above two commands use the 3.1 command format of
CLI> def ip base para <command> <IfIndex> <IP Address> <option>
CLI> define ip base rip on
CLI> define ip invArp 4 ip enabled
CLI> add fr port spvc 4 17 "302101100699" master
CLI> save config update
CLI> reset system current reset
CLI> add ip route 4 2
CLI> save configuration update
CLI> reset system current reset
Configure the 6400
> start prov
PROV> add sw lpt/ENET
PROV> set sw lpt/ENET featureList ip
PROV> add sh card/7
PROV> set sh card/7 cardType 6pEth10BaseT
PROV> add lp/7
PROV> set lp/7 lpt sw lpt/ENET
PROV> set lp/7 mainCard sh card/7
PROV> add sw lpt/FRIP
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring a network management connection to a 4400
PROV> set sw lpt/FRIP featureList frsVirtualFramer
frameRelayUniPvcSvc frameRelayDte ip
PROV> add sh card/6
PROV> set sh card/6 cardType v35
PROV> add lp/6
PROV> set lp/6 lpt sw lpt/FRIP
PROV> set lp/6 mainCard sh card/6
PROV> ch prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
Add the FRUNI
PROV> add fruni/699
PROV> set fruni/699 dna dataNetworkAddress
PROV> delete fruni/699 framer
PROV> add fruni/699 vframer
PROV> set fruni/699 vframer logicalProcessor lp/6
PROV> add fruni/699 dlci/17
The above command assigns a DLCI of 17 for network management
traffic. Each 4400 must have a unique DLCI.
PROV> set fruni/699 dlci/17 dc remoteDna
302101100501101 is the PrefixDna of the 4400 with the 101 suffix
added to indicate network management traffic.
PROV> set fruni/699 dlci/17 dc remoteDlci 16
Note: The remote DLCI is always 16 for MPANL.
PROV> set fruni/699 dlci/17 dc type permanentSlave
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring a network management connection to a 4400 29
Add the FRDTE
PROV> add frdte/699
PROV> delete frdte/699 framer
PROV> add frdte/699 vframer
PROV> set frdte/699 vframer logicalProcessor lp/6
PROV> add frdte/699 staticDlci/100
The above command creates a static DLCI between the FRUNI service
and the FRDTE. Each 4400 in the network requires a unique DLCI.
PROV> set frdte/699 vframer otherVirtualFramer fruni/
699 vframer
Add the Virtual Router
PROV> add vr/1
PROV> add vr/1 ip
PROV> add vr/1 ip rip
PROV> add vr/1 pp/frdte699rg1
PROV> add vr/1 pp/frdte699rg1 ipp
PROV> set vr/1 pp/frdte699rg1 linkToMedia frdte/699
rg/1 (remoteGroup) is created by default. Additional remote groups
need to provisioned.
PROV> set frdte/699 rg/1 LinkToFrDteDlci frdte/699
The above command links the static DLCI to the remote group
containing the 4400. This command must be repeated for each 4400
connected to a 6400 network node.
PROV> set vr/1 pp/frdte699rg1 LinkToMedia frdte/699
PROV> add vr/1 pp/frdte699rg1 ipp logicalIf/
PROV> set vr/1 pp/frdte699rg1 ipp logicalIf/
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring a network management connection to a 4400
PROV> set vr/1 pp/frdte699rg1 ipp logicalIf/
PROV> add vr/1 pp/frdte699rg1 ipp logicalIf/
PROV> add vr/1 pp/frdte699rg1 ipp logicalIf/
PROV> add vr/1 pp/ENET70
PROV> add vr/1 pp/ENET70 ipp
PROV> add vr/1 pp/ENET70 ipp logicalIf/
PROV> set vr/1 pp/ENET70 ipp logicalIf/
PROV> set vr/1 pp/ENET70 ipp logicalIf/
PROV> add vr/1 pp/ENET70 ipp logicalIf/
Add the Ethernet Port
PROV> add lp/7 enet/0
PROV> add lan/70
PROV> set lan/70 linkToProtocolPort vr/1 pp/ENET70
PROV> set lan/70 framer interfaceName lp/7 enet/0
PROV> check prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
PROV> commit prov
PROV> end prov
Add the 4400 to the IP Routing table
Execute the following UNIX command on the NMS or other workstation.
unix> route add
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring a network management connection to a 4400 31
Verifying the network management connection
Verify you have network managment connectivity after configuring the
On the 4400
CLI> show ip route table
Shows all networks the 4400 can identify. Ensure an entry for the static
route is displayed.
CLI> ping <destination ip address>
Confirms whether the connection to the specified IP address is up.
CLI> show fr port spvc circuit table
Shows the SPVC if it is active to the Passport FRUNI.
On the 6400
> d vr/1 ip fwd/*
Shows all networks the Passport ILS can see. If RIP is disabled your
Network Management subnets may not show up here.
> d vr/1 ip rdb/*
Shows the routing database of the ILS. If RIP is disabled your Network
Management subnets may not show up here.
> ping -ip(<destination ip address>) vr/1 ip icmp
Ping’s the specified address.
> d fruni/699 dlci/17
A-bit status active to/from interface indicates the SPVC is up.
> d frdte/699 rg/1
Unlocked and enabled.
> d vr/1 pp/frdte60rg1 ipp
Unlocked and enabled.
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring a network management connection to a 4400
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring the RSI - RSA connection
Voice networking requires the provisioning of the Remote Server Interface
(RSI) on the 4400 and the Remote Server Agent (RSA) on the 6400. Together
they form the connection that allows the 4400 access to the voice networking
call server (VNCS) on the 6400. Both digital and analogue voice networking
require an RSI - RSA connection.
Note the following when configuring the connection:
A typical network has multiple RSAs for load sharing and backup
purposes. The following example also uses this approach.
You can locate the RSA on any 6400 in the network. However, the RSA
and VNCS must be on the same shelf.
The RSA should be configured on its own function processor.
Figure 4 shows an example of an RSI - RSA configuration. The commands
that follow use the variables from this example. When configuring your
network, replace the example variables with variables unique to your network
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring the RSI - RSA connection
Figure 4
A simplified RSI - RSA configuration example
Passport 4400
Prefix DNA: 302102100201
Passport 6400
Passport 6400
MPANL lp/2 v35/1
Primary RSA
RSA DNA: 302102100599
Secondary RSA
RSA DNA: 302102110399
PPT 7_505 004 NC
Configuring the RSI and RSAs
On the 4400
CLI> add voice switch
CLI> add server 1 vncs
CLI> add rsi server 302102100599 Prim-RSA5 primary
CLI> add rsi server 302102110399 Secon-RSA3 secondary
CLI> save config update
CLI> reset system cpu reset
On the 6400 hosting the primary RSA
PROV> add shelf card/5
PROV> set shelf card/5 cardType v35
PROV> add lp/5
PROV> set lp/5 mainCard sh card/5
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Configuring the RSI - RSA connection 35
PROV> add sw lpt/RSA
PROV> set sw lpt/RSA featureList serverAccessRsa
PROV> set sw lpt/CP featurelist vncsCallServer
PROV> set lp/5 logicalProcessorType sw lpt/RSA
PROV> check prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
PROV> add rsa/5
PROV> set rsa/5 logicalProcessor lp/5
PROV> set rsa/5 dna dataNetworkAddress 302102100599
PROV> add rsa/5 vncsAccess
PROV> check prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
On the 6400 hosting the secondary RSA
PROV> add shelf card/3
PROV> set shelf card/3 cardType v35
PROV> add lp/3
PROV> set lp/3 mainCard sh card/3
PROV> add sw lpt/RSA
PROV> set sw lpt/RSA featureList serverAccessRsa
PROV> set sw lpt/CP featurelist vncsCallServer
PROV> set lp/3 logicalProcessorType sw lpt/RSA
PROV> check prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
PROV> add rsa/3
PROV> set rsa/3 logicalProcessor lp/3
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide 6.0S1
Configuring the RSI - RSA connection
PROV> set rsa/3 dna dataNetworkAddress 302102110399
PROV> add rsa/3 vncsAccess
PROV> check prov
PROV> act prov
PROV> save prov
Verifying the RSI - RSA connection
After both the RSI and RSA are configured, verify the connection is up.
On the 4400
CLI> show rsi server operational table
Verify the availability status shows available.
On the 6400 with the primary RSA
> d rsa/5
Verify the RSA is enabled.
> d rsa/5 VncsAccess
Unlocked and enabled.
> d rsa/5 Connection/*
Verify output displays remote RSI name.
On the 6400 with the secondary RSA
> d rsa/3
Verify the RSA is enabled.
> d rsa/3 VncsAccess
Unlocked and enabled.
> d rsa/3 Connection/*
Verify output displays remote RSI name.
241-6401-280 6.0S1
Passport 6400
Passport 4400 and 6400 Quick Start Guide
Release 6.0
Copyright © 1999 Nortel Networks.
All Rights Reserved.
NORTEL NETWORKS, the globemark design, the NORTEL
NETWORKS corporate logo,and PASSPORT are trademarks of
Nortel Networks.
Publication: 241-6401-280
Document status: Standard
Document version: 6.0S1
Document date: August 1999
Printed in Canada
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