! Customizing Settings ............................................................................. 17
!Availability............................................................................................. 17
!Automatic Sign On.................................................................................. 17
!Change password ................................................................................... 17
!AIM sounds............................................................................................ 18
!How T9 works ........................................................................................ 21
!Use multi-tap text input........................................................................... 22
© Copyright 2002 by America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
AOL, AIM, Buddy List, T9 and the AOL triangle design are registered trademarks of America Online, Inc.
Instant Messenger is a trademark of America Online, Inc.
T-MOBILE is a registered trademark of Deutsche Telekom AG.
"Samsung" is a trademark of Samsung in the United States and other countries.
T9 Text Input is licensed under one or more of the following: U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,818,437, 5,953,541,
5,187,480, 5,945,928, and 6,011,554, and 6,307,548; Australian Pat. No. 727539; Canadian Pat. No.
1,331,057; United Kingdom Pat. No. 2238414B; Hong Kong Standard Pat. No. HK0940329; Republic of Sin-
gapore Pat. No. 51383; Euro.Pat. No. 0 842 463 (96927260.8) DE/DK, FI, FR, IT,NL,PT.ES,SE,GB; Republic of
Korea Pat. Nos. KR201211B1 and KR226206B1; and additional patents are pending worldwide.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Getting Started
Getting Started
To use AIM on your phone you need an AIM screen name. This can be an AOL, AIM®, Netscape®,
or CompuServe 2000® screen name. If you do not have an AIM-compatible screen name, get
In addition to an AIM screen name, you need a Samsung R225M phone with service from T-
Navigate to the AIM service
To start the AOL Instant Messenger, scroll to AIM on the main menu (or press the Menu softkey
and then 7), then press the Select softkey:
Press the Menu softkey, then
press 7 to navigate to the main
AIM screen. Then press the
Select softkey to access the AIM
Use the AIM menus to sign on to the AIM service, send, receive, and respond to instant mes-
sages, access your Buddy List feature, and change AIM settings to fit your needs.
AIM Offline Menus AIM Online Menus
Sign On
Auto-Sign On
Buddy Updates
View Conv.
End Conv.
Send IM to ...
Add Buddy
Buddy Info
Buddy List
Set Status
Auto-Sign On
Buddy Updates
Change Pwd
AIM Sounds
My Status
Sign Off
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Signing On to the AIM Service
Signing On to the AIM Service
You can choose to sign on to the AIM service in two ways: manually or automatically. The first
time you sign on to AIM, you sign on manually—that is, by using the keypad to type your screen
name and password. You can continue to sign on manually each time you sign on to AIM on your
phone or you can set your phone to use your screen name and password to sign on automatically.
Sign on manually
To sign on to the AIM service by typing your screen name and password manually, complete the
following steps:
1. On the phone handset, press the Menu softkey, and then press 7. The AIM Offline menu
2. Select Sign On and press the Select softkey.
Type your screen name by pressing the key associated with each letter until desired letter
appears. For instance, to type the letter "c," press the 2 key three times.
3. When your screen name is entered, press the OK softkey.
4. Type your password and press the OK softkey.
Type your password the same way you typed your screen name, but remember to press
the Case softkey when changing from lower to uppercase. As you type, each character
appears briefly, and then, for privacy, the characters are replaced with asterisks (*). After
you sign on, the AIM service retrieves your Buddy List®, indicating online and offline
screen names.
Note: Remember, your password is case-sensitive—if you created your
password with both upper- and lowercase letters, you must type it
this way during Sign On.
Sign on to AIM using multiple devices
Signing on to the AIM service affects any other AIM session that you may have started using the
same screen name. When using the AIM and AOL services, you can sign on to both services with
the same screen name; however, any messages you receive will be displayed by the AOL service.
When using the AIM service or the AIM Express service, signing on to one device will sign you off
a session on another device. For example, if you use the AIM service on your PC, and then sign on
with the same screen name on your phone, the AIM session on your PC will be signed off.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Signing On to the AIM Service
Sign on automatically
To set your phone to use your screen name and password to sign on automatically, complete the
following steps:
1. Scroll to Settings and press the Select softkey.
2. Scroll to Automatic Sign On and press the Select softkey.
3. Press the scroll button to select the correct functionality. Choose On to set the phone to
sign on automatically whenever you return to the AIM service. Choose Off to sign on
manually each time you sign on to the AIM service.
4. Press the Select softkey to complete this setting.
AIM status icons
While you are signed on to the AIM service, an icon
at the bottom of your phone’s main
screen is displayed. When a new instant message is received, the icon changes to indicate that a
message has arrived. Stay logged in to send and receive messages while your phone is on.
You are signed on to the AIM service.
You have a new instant message.
Exit the AIM screen, but stay connected to the service
Press the Clear key repeatedly to return to the start screen. Now you can access any of the
phone's other features. You still receive instant messages, and can return to the the AIM service
at any time to read them.
Sign Off the AIM service and disconnect from the service
If you do not sign off, you remain signed on to the AIM service even when you turn off your
1. From the AIM Online menu, scroll to Sign Off.
2. Press the Select softkey. A message, "Signing off from AOL Instant Messenger" appears
briefly, then the phone returns to the AIM menu. Press the Clear key to return to the
main menu.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Using the Buddy List Feature
Using the Buddy List Feature
If you use the AIM service on your PC, the entire Buddy List feature is not downloaded to your
phone. Instead, the first time you sign on to the AIM service from your phone, a Mobile Device
group is created and 30 screen names from your Buddy List feature are moved into this group.
Think of the Mobile Device group as your Buddy List feature that you use from your phone.
When you use the AIM service with your phone, you can communicate with the contacts you keep
in your Buddy List feature in much the same way that you would from your computer. If you are
already an AOL, Netscape, or CompuServe 2000® member, or if you use the AIM service on your
personal computer, up to 30 screen names from your Buddy List feature are accessible to you
from your mobile phone.
In addition, when you sign on to the AIM service from a mobile phone, anyone who is using AIM
version 4.8.2646 or higher, or AOL version 7.0 or later, will see a Mobile Device icon
next to your screen name both in their Buddy List window and in the Instant Messaging window.
This icon lets others know that you are using the AIM service from a mobile phone, and that it
may take longer to type messages, or that your messages may be shorter in length.
Buddy status icons
The buddy status icons give you information at a glance about a screen name.
Icon Description
An online screen name appears with no icon next to it.
This screen name is offline and can't exchange IMs.
Open conversation is in progress with this screen name.
You are declining messages from this screen name during
the current AIM session.
This screen name has set an Away message: the AIM user
is online but currently unavailable for instant messaging.
You have set an alert to be notified when this screen name
comes online.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Using the Buddy List Feature
Buddy List options
From the Buddy List screen, you can choose specific options to manage your Buddy List feature.
To access the Buddy List Options menu, complete the following steps:
1. Scroll to Buddy List on the AIM Online menu and press the Select softkey. The Buddy
List appears.
Icons next to screen
names indicate status.
2. Press the Menu softkey to access the Buddy List options.
From the Options menu, you can do the following:
Send an instant message to a screen name.
Update the status of the screen names in your Buddy List feature.
Send an instant message to a specified screen name.
Set an alert to notify you when a Buddy signs on.
Add or remove contacts from the Buddy List feature.
Accept messages or decline unwanted messages from a specific screen name.
Get information on specific buddies.
Add screen names to your Buddy List feature
If you use the AOL or AIM service on a personal computer, you don't need to type screen names
to the Buddy List feature on your phone—they are transferred wirelessly.
To add screen names from your phone, complete the following steps:
1. From the Buddy List view, press the Menu softkey to access the Buddy List options.
2. Scroll to Add Buddy, then press the Select softkey.
3. Enter the screen name and press the OK softkey. You'll receive a confirmation message
when your friend is successfully added to the Buddy List feature.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Using the Buddy List Feature
Remove screen names from the Buddy List feature
To remove screen names from the Buddy List feature using your phone, complete the following
1. On the Buddy List screen, scroll to the screen name to delete and press the Menu soft-
2. Scroll to Delete Buddy, then press the Select softkey. The screen name is removed from
the Buddy List. You will receive a confirmation message when the screen name is suc-
cessfully removed from the Buddy List feature.
Update the Buddy List feature
To update the status of the screen names in your Buddy List, complete the following steps:
1. From the Buddy List screen, press the Menu softkey to access the Buddy List options.
2. Scroll to Update Status and press the Select softkey.
Tip: You can automatically update your Buddy List feature at specified time
intervals (for example, every 60 minutes). See "Automatic Buddy List
View information about a screen name
To display the status (availability) for screen names in the Buddy List screen, complete the follow-
ing steps:
1. From the Buddy List screen, choose a screen name from the list and press the Menu soft-
key to display the Buddy List options.
2. Scroll to Buddy Info and press the Select softkey.
3. Press the OK softkey to exit.
Set an online alert
You can set an alert to be notified when a particular screen name comes online. The type of alert
you receive depends on your phone's settings. This alert expires when the screen name comes
online or when you sign off the AIM service.
1. From the Buddy List view, scroll to a screen name and press the Menu softkey.
2. Scroll to Alert Me, then press the Select softkey. You will receive a confirmation mes-
sage that the alert was set.
On the Buddy List screen, the Alert icon
appears next to your buddy’s screen name until they
sign on to the AIM service. When they sign on, your phone will display a message and may make
a sound or vibrate depending on your alert settings.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Sending and Receiving Messages
Sending and Receiving Messages
Send and reply to instant messages with other AIM users in the Conversation view. To start a
conversation, scroll to a screen name in the Buddy List screen and press Menu.
In the Conversation view, press the Menu softkey to display the following options:
Converations menu
View Conversation
End Conversation
Displays a current conversation.
Discontinues a conversation and returns you to the
Buddy List screen.
Send IM to ...
Prompts you to enter a screen name to begin a conver-
sation with.
Add Buddy
Buddy Info
Allows you to add a buddy to have conversations with.
Displays screen name and availability information for
the selected buddy.
Send instant messages
There are two ways that you can send instant messages:
Send an instant message to a screen name in the Buddy List
Send an instant message to a screen name that is not in your Buddy List
Send an instant message to a screen name in the Buddy List
To send an instant message to a screen name in the Buddy List, complete the following steps:
1. Scroll to a screen name in the Buddy List and press the Menu softkey.
2. Scroll to Send IM and press the Select softkey.
Choose a screen name from your
Buddy List feature, and then select
Send IM to begin a new conversation.
The Conversation view appears. The < character means you're writing an outgoing mes-
sage. The blinking cursor indicates that you can now enter text.
3. Use the keypad to write your message, and press the Send key. Your message moves
from the input screen to the Conversation view, and the < character appears next to it.
When your friend responds, their message will appear under your message, at the >
4. Follow steps 1 through 3 to continue exchanging messages with your friend.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Sending and Receiving Messages
Send instant messages to a screen name not in your Buddy List feature
To send messages to AIM users who are not listed in your Buddy List, complete the following
1. From the Buddy List screen, press the Menu softkey.
2. Scroll to Send IM to ... and press the Select softkey.
3. Enter the screen name and press the OK softkey. The Conversation view appears and you
can begin exchanging messages.
4. Enter your message at the < prompt, and press the Options softkey.
5. Press the Send key to send each message.
Receive new instant messages
When you receive a new instant message:
The New IM icon displays
Depending on your phone's settings, the phone may vibrate or produce an audible alert.
On your phone’s main screen, a New IM alert is displayed. Press the View softkey to read
the message.
If you are at the Buddy List screen, the icon appears next to the screen name of the
sender. Scroll to the screen name and press the Menu softkey, then select View Conver-
sation to read the message.
If you receive an instant message from someone who is not saved in your Buddy List fea-
ture, you will be asked first whether you want to Accept or Decline the message.
Note: If you are signed in to the Buddy List feature on your AOL desktop,
instant messages will appear on your PC and not your phone.
Reply to instant messages
You can reply to instant messages in the following ways:
From a screen name saved in your Buddy List feature
From an unlisted AIM screen name
Outside the AIM service
Exchange messages with several screen names
Reply to instant messages from a screen name saved in your Buddy List
In the Buddy List screen, the New IM icon
appears next to the screen name of the person who
sent you the message. Scroll to the name, press the Menu softkey, and then select View Con-
versation. A new Conversation view appears.
1. Enter your response at the < prompt.
2. Press the Send key to send the message. Your response is sent and appears in the top
part of the screen.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Sending and Receiving Messages
Reply to instant messages from a screen name not in your Buddy List
To reply to a buddy not listed in your Buddy List, complete the following steps:
1. In the Buddy List screen, theNew Message icon
appears next to the screen name of
the person who sent you the message. Scroll to the name and press the Menu softkey.
2. Scroll to Accept IMs and press the Select softkey. A new Conversation view appears and
you can type your reply.
You'll get a confirmation message that the screen name is declined and then will be
returned to the Buddy List screen.
Reply to instant messages when you are not in the AIM service
To reply to an instant message while you are not in the AIM service, complete the following steps:
Press the Clear key to return to your phone’s main screen. The message "New IM From: <screen
name>" appears.
If the screen name is saved in your Buddy List feature, press the View softkey to access the
Buddy List view, or press the Exit softkey to ignore it. If you choose to ignore the message, it is
saved and you can access it from the Buddy List screen
If the screen name is unlisted, press the View softkey and then select Accept IM to see the
message, or Decline IM to reject the message from this user.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Managing Conversations
Managing Conversations
The Conversations screen displays your current conversations. The
indicates that you have an active conversation with this person.
icon next to a screen name
Display a conversation
To display a conversation, complete the following steps:
1. From the Conversations screen, select the screen name and press the Menu softkey.
2. In the Conversations view, select View Conversations and press the Select softkey.
3. Press the scroll keys to scroll up or down to view the conversation history.
4. Enter your message at the < prompt to create a new message.
End a conversation
To end a conversation and return to the Buddy List screen, complete the following steps:
1. From the Conversation view, press the Menu softkey.
2. Scroll to End Conversation, then press the Select softkey.
Switching between conversations
You can exchange instant messages with several AIM users by switching between the names in
the Buddy List screen.
1. From the Conversation view, press the Clear key to return to the Buddy List screen.
2. Scroll to another screen name that you want to send a message and press the Menu
softkey, then select View Conversation.
A new Conversation view appears and you can type your message.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Declining Messages
Declining Messages
The AIM service provides privacy features so you can control who contacts you. If another AIM
user sends you annnoying or offensive messages, you can decline to receive further messages
from that user.
The declined user is prevented from sending you messages during the current session only. The
user will be able to send you messages again the next time you sign on, or if you send the user a
message during the session that you declined them.
Tip: To permanently block an AIM user from sending you messages, use the
AIM desktop application.
Decline messages from the Buddy List screen
To decline messages from your phone, complete the following steps:
1. From the AIM Online menu, select Buddy List and press the Select softkey.
2. Scroll to Decline IMs and press the Select softkey.
3. To search for a specific screen name, enter all or part of the screen name and press the
OK softkey. The service will present the screen name that most closely matches what you
typed. If it's a match, leave it selected, or scroll to the name you want. Or, press the -
Search softkey (without typing anything) and scroll to the screen name.
4. Press the Select softkey. You'll receive a confirmation message that the screen name is
Decline an incoming message
Follow these steps when you receive a message from a screen name that you want to decline.
1. If you are on your phone’s main screen, a message announcing a new instant message
appears ("New IM From: <screen name>"). Press the View softkey to open the Conver-
sation view.
2. Press the Menu softkey, scroll to Decline IMs, and press the Select softkey.
You will receive a confirmation message that the screen name is declined.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Declining Messages
Accept messages from a declined screen name
You can accept messages from a declined screen name by sending the AIM user an instant mes-
sage, or by performing the following steps:
1. From the Buddy List screen, scroll to the appropriate screen name and press the Menu
2. Scroll to Accept IMs, then press the Select softkey.
To search for a specific screen name, enter all or part of their screen name and press
the OK softkey. The service will display the screen name that most closely matches
what you typed. If it's a match, leave it selected, or scroll to another name.
To search for all declined screen names, press the Search softkey (without typing
anything). Scroll to the name you want. Press the Select softkey.
You'll receive a confirmation message that the service is now accepting messages from the screen
Send messages to a declined screen name
You can send messages to a declined screen name in the same way you would send an instant
message to other AIM users.
Note: After you send a message to a declined screen name that the
Decline is no longer in affect, and the AIM service will accept
messages from this user.
Setting alerts
You can set an alert to be notified when your buddies come online. The type of alert you receive
depends on your phone's settings. This alert expires when either a buddy comes online or you
sign off the AIM service.
1. From the Buddy List screen, press the Menu softkey.
2. Scroll to Alert Me, then press the Select softkey.
When a buddy signs on, your phone will display a message and may make a sound or vibrate
depending on your alert settings.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Making Phone Calls
Making Phone Calls
Receive phone calls while using the AIM service
You can answer or ignore calls while instant messaging on the AIM service. When the phone
rings, do one of the following:
Press the Accept softkey to answer the call
Press the Reject softkey to ignore the call
If you choose to answer the call, the phone stays signed on to the AIM service. When you're fin-
ished with the call, press the End softkey. Press the Menu softkey and then press the 7 key to
return to the AIM service menu.
Receive instant messages while talking on the phone
If you receive an instant message while talking on the phone, your phone will alert you with a low
beep sound (depending on your phone settings). Once your phone conversation is finished, press
View to see the instant message.
Make phone calls while using the AIM service
You can stay signed on to the AIM service and still make calls from your phone. To make calls
while using the AIM service, complete the following steps:
1. Press the Clear key repeatedly until you return to your phone’s main screen.
2. Make a call as normal.
3. When you end the call, return to the AIM service.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Customizing Settings
Customizing Settings
You can specify when you are not available for instant messaging—for example, if you are on a
long phone call or in a meeting. This will help other users know how quickly they can expect a
reply from you. To set your availability, complete the following steps:
1. From the AIM Online screen, scroll to Settings and press the Select softkey.
2. At the Set Status screen, press the Select softkey.
3. Scroll to Set Status.
4. Choose either Available or Away, then press the Select softkey. The phone displays a
confirmation message that your availability status has been changed.
Automatic Sign On
You can set up your phone to automatically sign on to the AIM service from the phone's main IM
menu. To set your phone to sign on automatically, complete the following steps:
1. From the AIM Online screen, scroll to Settings and press the Select softkey.
2. Scroll to Auto-Sign On, then press the Select softkey.
3. Choose either On or Off, then press the Select softkey.
Automatic Buddy List updates
You can set the phone to automatically update the status of your Buddy List feature at a specified
time interval (for example, every 60 minutes). To set your phone to update your Buddy List auto-
matically, complete the following steps:
1. From the AIM Online screen, scroll to Settings and press the Select softkey.
2. Scroll to Buddy Updates, then press the Select softkey.
3. Choose either Yes or No, then press the Select softkey. If you choose Yes, enter the
update rate (between 60 and 99 minutes) and press the OK softkey. The phone displays
a confirmation message that the update rate has been saved.
Change password
To change your password using your phone, complete the following steps:
1. From the AIM Online screen, scroll to Settings and press the Select softkey.
2. Scroll to Change Pwd, then press the Select softkey.
3. Enter your current password and press the OK softkey.
4. Enter your new password and press the OK softkey.
5. Re-enter your new password to confirm and press the OK softkey. The phone displays a
confirmation message that your password was successfully changed.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Customizing Settings
AIM sounds
To turn AIM sounds on or off, complete the following steps:
1. From the AIM Online screen, scroll to Settings and press the Select softkey.
2. Scroll to AIM Sounds, then press the Select softkey.
3. Choose either On or Off, then press the Select softkey. The phone displays a confirma-
tion message that the alert tone setting was changed.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Using the Buddy List Feature on Your Computer
Using the Buddy List Feature on Your Computer
If you use the AIM or AOL service on your desktop computer, you know
that the Buddy List feature is a window that displays the AOL Instant
Messenger screen names for your friends, family members, and co-
workers that you define.
The Buddy List feature enables you to maintain groups of contacts
(friends, family, co-workers, and others) to communicate with any-
time, anywhere. Whenever these contacts sign on, their screen names
appear as active in your Buddy List window, allowing you to communi-
cate with them instantly.
The Buddy List feature is available through a variety of products,
including the AOL desktop application, the AIM service for your PC, the
AIM Express service on the Web, and on a number of wireless devices,
such as wireless phones and PDAs. With the Buddy List feature, you
can maintain groups of buddies (friends, family, co-workers, and oth-
ers) to communicate with anytime, anywhere. Whenever these bud-
dies sign on, their screen names appear as active in your Buddy List
window, allowing you to communicate with them instantly.
On your desktop PC, groups are used to organize your screen names in
your Buddy List feature; for example, Friends, Family, and Co-Workers
are the default groups in the Buddy List window.
What is the Mobile Device group?
On your PC, groups are used to organize your screen names in your
Buddy List feature; for example, Friends, Family, and Co-Workers are
the default groups in the Buddy List window.
When you use the AIM service with your Internet-ready phone, a spe-
cial category called the Mobile Device group is created in the Buddy
List you use on your PC. This Mobile Device group can hold up to 30
screen names for you to use when instant messaging from your phone.
Just as you group the screen names in your Buddy List feature into categories like Buddies, Fam-
ily, or Co-Workers, the Mobile Device group is a group for your screen names that you converse
with when you're on a phone or other wireless device.
Maintain your Mobile Device group
The AIM contacts available from your mobile phone are represented on your PC Buddy List feaure
as the Mobile Device group. If you haven't already created a Mobile Device group in the Buddy
List feature on your PC, this group is created the first time you sign on to the AIM service on your
An easy way to manage your Mobile Device group is to use the AIM or AIM Express service on
your desktop computer. This way, you can see the complete list at a glance and edit the group
using an intuitive, graphical interface.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Using the Buddy List Feature on Your Computer
About the Mobile Device icon
When you connect to the AIM service from your phone, anyone who is using AIM version
4.8.2646 or higher, or AOL version 7.0 or later, will see a Mobile Device icon appear next to your
screen name both in their Buddy List window and in the Instant Messaging window.
The Mobile Device icon lets others know that you are viewing and writing messages using a wire-
less phone. Your friends will then understand that it may take you longer to type messages, or
that your messages may be shorter and use more shorthand language or abbreviations.
If you are an AOL member and you do not want the Mobile Device icon to appear, you can disable
it from the AOL 7.0 Buddy List window. Click Setup, Preferences, and then in the Buddy List tab
uncheck the box labeled "Allow other members to see that I am using a mobile device."
If you are using the AIM desktop client version 4.8.2591 or higher, select MyAIM, Edit Options,
and then Edit Preferences. Then, select the Privacy category and uncheck the box labeled
"Allow other members to see that I am using a mobile device."
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Using T9 Text Input to Type Messages
Using T9 Text Input to Type Messages
For typing messages, T9 Text Input is twice as fast as multi-tapping, and is the easiest way to
type text using the limited keypad on a wireless phone.
Just one key press per letter with no multi-tapping
Extensive word database including proper names
Ability to add words to the T9 Text Input database
Available in many languages
Full punctuation and symbol capabilities
On wireless phones, T9 Text Input enables you to take advantage of advanced wireless communi-
cation services such as messaging, e-mail, Web access, contacts, calendar, notes, task lists, and
How T9 works
By using the letters grouped on each of the phone keys and a
highly compressed database, T9 software requires just one key
press per letter, and quickly recognizes the most commonly
used word of a key sequence.
For example, to enter the word "how," you can spell out the
word by pressing only three keys, 4-6-9. T9 Text Input knows
that the most commonly used word with that numeric sequence
is "how." If more than one word share the same numeric
sequence, T9 software provides the most commonly used word,
with the ability to scroll to the next most commonly used word
by pressing the 0 (NEXT) key.
Adding words to the T9 dictionary
On phones with T9 Text Input, you can also add words to the T9 user dictionary. To do this, com-
plete the following steps:
1. Start in T9 mode, and then change to alpha mode.
2. Type the word using multi-tap mode (make sure you enter a space after the word), then
switch back to T9 mode. You are now able to type the word using T9 mode. You may need
to press the 0 (NEXT) key if more than one word shares the same key sequence.
3. Save your screen name and password for quicker re-entry.
The AIM service ignores spaces in screen names. When you are typing a screen name that is a
compound word such as "SurfSamSurf" or "CaseyPeete" using T9 Text Input, just press the space
key to insert a space between words instead of compounding the word. The AIM service will
ignore the spaces and interpret the screen name correctly.
Using AIM Service on the Samsung R225M
Using T9 Text Input to Type Messages
Use multi-tap text input
Prior to T9 technology, typing messages on a wireless phone was extremely tedious and required
using the standard "multi-tap" method for entering text. Multi-tapping requires multiple key
presses per letter (for example, 3 presses of the 6 key to get the letter "o").
To enter the letter "s", for example, press the 7 key 4 times; to enter the letter "x", press the 9
key twice. Don't be afraid to experiment. To correct errors, press CLEAR or BACK key. If succes-
sive letters employ the same key, pause a moment or two until the cursor moves to the right.
For example, to type "hello," you press the following keys:
4-4 for "h"
3-3 for "e"
5-5-5 for "l"
5-5-5 for "l"
6-6-6 for "o"
To enter a number, you must first cycle through all the letters represented by a key. For example,
pressing the 2-key four times will display the number "2."
For basic symbols such as a period, keep pressing the 1 key until the desired symbol is displayed.
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