Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
Quick Reference Manual
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Part No. 817-6659-11
November 2004, Revision A
Submit comments about this document at: http://www.sun.com/hwdocs/feedback
1. Introduction
Software Requirements and Updates
2. Turning the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS On and Off
How to Configure Network Adapters 12
4. File Volume Operations 17
File System Concepts 17
How to Create File Volumes and Segments 18
How to Attach Segments 20
How to Set Up WINS 36
How to Configure Name Services 51
8. Monitoring and Notification 67
9. Managing RAID 73
Viewing Controller Information 79
A. Troubleshooting 81
Sending a Diagnostic E-mail Message 81
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Contacting Technical Support 83
Index 85
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Expansion Unit Back Panel
Connecting the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS AC Power Cables
Power Switch and Front Panel Detail
The Shutdown Panel
The LCD Panel Controls
The Configure Shares Panel 28
The Add Share Dialog Box 29
The Configure Shares Panel 30
The Windows Start Menu 30
The Set Up NIS Panel 53
The Add LUN Dialog Box 75
The Remove LUN Dialog Box 77
The Add Hot Spare Dialog Box 78
The Remove Hot Spare Dialog Box 79
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
The View Controller Information Panel 80
The Diagnostic Email Dialog Box 82
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
About This Quick Reference Manual
This guide is designed as a quick reference to familiarize the user on using different
features and functions of the Sun StorEdge™ 5210 NAS software. The screens
displayed on your monitor may vary from those in this reference guide. For more
details on software features and functions, refer to the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
Software Installation, Configuration, and User Guide on the documentation CD.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Features
Note – For the most current support information, please contact your Sun sales
Supported File Access Protocols
■ Microsoft networks (CIFS/SMB)
■ UNIX® (NFS), V2 and V3
■ File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Network Security/Protocols
Integrates with:
■ Windows Domain Controller
■ Network Logon (Netlogon) client
■ Windows Domain support
■ Multiple Master Domain (MMD) support
■ CIFS Security Descriptors (SD) on file and directories
■ Discretionary Access Control Lists (DACL) on files and directories
■ NIS+
■ NTFS streams
■ Unicode
■ Windows Active Directory Service (ADS) support
■ Windows Dynamic DNS support
■ Windows-compatible Kerberos (v5) security
■ Windows-compatible Lightweight
■ Microsoft-compatible LDAP
■ LDAP authentication for NFS
Supported Clients
■ Microsoft Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003
■ Solaris™ 2.6, 7, 8, 9 and 9x86 Operating System
■ IBM AIX 5.1
■ HP HP-UX 11i
■ Red Hat Linux Enterprise Edition 2.1
■ SUSE Linux Server 9
Network Connection
■ Auto-sensing 10/100/1000 Base-TX, dual RJ-45 network connector
■ Optional Fibre/Copper Gigabit Ethernet
Automatic IP Address Assignment
■ Supports DHCP, ARP, for automatic assignment of IP address
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Hardware RAID Subsystem
■ Multiple file system options
■ The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS is configured for maximum file protection using
hardware RAID 5 (disk striping with parity)
Data Management
■ Sun StorEdge File Checkpoint facility allows users to recover accidentally
damaged or deleted data with a simple file copy operation
■ Directory Tree Quotas
■ User and Group Quotas
Setup and Configuration
■ Web-Based User Interface for system configuration and administration
■ Command Line Interface for setting up FTP and for use by service personnel
(refer to the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Software Installation, Configuration, and User
Guide on the documentation CD)
Client Data Backup
■ Network Backup
■ BakBone NetVault 7, supported by BakBone
■ Compatible with Solaris backup software, including Veritas NetBackup and Sun
StorEdge Enterprise Backup Software
Software Requirements and Updates
The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS system ships with the Web Administrator software
already installed. You do not need to install any software to manage the Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Web Administrator Requirements
To access the Web Administrator management interface, you must have the
following software:
■ Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/2003, Sun Solaris 5.7 Operating System, or Red Hat
■ Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later) on systems using Windows 98/NT/2000/XP
■ Netscape™ 4.77 (or later) software on systems using Windows
98/NT/2000/XP/2003 and Sun Solaris Operating System. Netscape 6.0 and 6.01
are not supported.
■ Mozilla™ browser
■ Java™ technology-enabled browser with Java Plug-In 1.3.1 (or later).
Note – To download the latest Java Plug-In, go to http://java.com.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Turning the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
On and Off
Powering On the Sun StorEdge 5210
Caution – ALWAYS power on the units in the following order:
1.Expansion unit(s) first.
2.Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Filer.
After making sure your network connection is secure, turn on the Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS following the steps below. If you do not have any expansion units, skip to Step
1. Verify that all cables between the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS and expansion unit(s)
are properly secured according to the Setting Up the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS poster
and the Attaching the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS and Expansion Units poster.
2. Connect both AC power cables to the back of each expansion unit.
Power Supply 1 Switch
Power Supply 2 Switch
AC Power Cord/Plug 1
AC Power Cord/Plug 2
SCSI Cable to
NAS Filer Head
3. Connect the other end of the power cables to an AC power source.
4. For each expansion unit turn on the two power supply switches.
5. Connect one end of the AC power cable to the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
(Figure 2-2).
Network Cables
SCSI Cable to optional
Expansion Unit
AC Power Cords/Plugs
FIGURE 2-2 Connecting the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS AC Power Cables
Note – To connect two expansion units, the NAS server must have two RAID cards
6. Repeat for the second cable.
7. Plug both power cables into an AC power source.
Caution – Both power cables must be connected before you turn on the power
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
8. Press the Power button (Figure 2-3) on the front panel (behind the front cover).
FIGURE 2-3 Power Switch and Front Panel Detail
Network Setup and System
For a detailed explanation of network setup and system configuration, refer to the
Software Installation, Configuration, and User Guide "Introduction" on the
documentation CD.
If DHCP is supported, the IP address is automatically configured when you power
the system up for the first time.
Note – Write down the IP address for use in system configuration.
Network Setup without DHCP
If your network does not support DHCP, you must manually configure the IP
address using the NAS filer LCD panel controls by pressing the Select button once,
selecting Set Static IP, and selecting or specifying the required information and
saving the settings.
Chapter 2 Turning the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS On and Off
System Configuration
To configure the NAS system, use a separate system with a Java-enabled browser
connected to the network.
1. Check that the network link LED is green and then enter in the browser window
the IP address for the NAS system in the format:
2. Click Apply to log in and follow the steps to complete the system configuration.
Note – Once you reach the login screen, you may want to bookmark it or add it to
your favorites so that you do not have to remember the IP address in the future.
Shutting Down the Sun StorEdge 5210
You can shut down the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS through the Web Administrator GUI
or the LCD panel.
Caution – Always follow the proper shutdown procedure to avoid the possibility of
data corruption. Never shutdown the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS file server by turning
off the power switches or pulling the power cords.
Shutting Down through Web Administrator
You can shutdown the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS using the Web Administrator.
To shutdown:
1. Using the network-connected browser log on to the Web Administrator.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
2. Open the shutdown panel by clicking System Operation > Shut Down the Server.
FIGURE 2-4 The Shutdown Panel
3. Select the shut down option you want by clicking on the radio button. The default
shut down option is “none”.
■ None
■ Halt the Server
■ Reboot the Server
■ Reboot Previous Version x.xx (This option is available only on Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS systems that have had OS updates.)
4. Click Apply.
Shutting Down through the LCD Panel
You can shutdown the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS file server using the LCD panel on
the front of the unit.
Exit Select
Up & Down
FIGURE 2-5 The LCD Panel Controls
Chapter 2 Turning the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS On and Off
To shutdown:
1. Press the Select button on the LCD panel to access menus.
2. The LCD panel displays options A and B. Press the Down Arrow to select option
“B. Shutdown Server” then press the Select button.
3. Press Select to select the “A. Power Off” option.
4. Press the Down Arrow to change “No” to “Yes”.
5. Press Select to confirm and begin shutting down.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Network Configuration
How to Configure Server Properties
Setting the Server Name
To set the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server name as it will appear on the network:
1. In the Web Administrator navigation panel, select Network Configuration > Set
Server Name.
FIGURE 3-1 The Set Server Name Panel
2. Set the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server name by entering it in the Server Name
box. The server name can include alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), “-” (dash), “_”
(underscore), and “.” (period) characters.
Note – The server name must begin with a letter (a-z or A-Z), not a number or a
symbol. For example “Astro2” and “Saturn_05” are acceptable server names.
However “5Saturn” and “_Astro2” are not.
3. Enter the contact information for your company.
4. Click Apply to save your changes.
How to Configure Network Adapters
Look at the rear panel on the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS to identify the NIC port
locations. You must know which NIC port you are configuring. For more
information, see the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Hardware Installation, Configuration, and
User Guide included on the documentation CD.
Note – Contact your network administrator if you need help with any of the
network adapter settings.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
To configure network adapters:
1. In the navigation panel, select Network Configuration > Configure TCP/IP >
Configure Network Adapters.
FIGURE 3-2 The Configure Network Adapters Panel
2. If your network uses a DHCP server to assign IP addresses and you want to
enable it, select the Enable DHCP checkbox. The default setting is “Enabled.”
Enabling DHCP lets the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server get an IP address from the
DHCP server.
Uncheck this checkbox if you want to manually enter a static IP address, subnet
mask, or gateway address. If you do not enable DHCP, the netmask is still disabled
if the port is a member of an aggregate port.
3. Select the port you want to configure from the Adapter list.
4. Enter the IP address for the selected NIC port.
5. Enter the Netmask for the selected NIC port.
The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS automatically fills in the read-only Broadcast field
when you enter the IP address and netmask. The broadcast address is the IP address
used to send broadcast messages to the subnet.
6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 for all ports in the adapter list.
7. Click Apply to save your changes.
Chapter 3 Network Configuration
About Alias IP Addresses
On a Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS system, you can add up to nine alias IP addresses to
the primary IP address of each NIC port. Therefore, a single network interface card
with one port could provide up to 10 usable IP addresses.
To add an alias IP address to the selected NIC, enter it in the IP-Aliases field. Then
click the
button to add it to the IP-Aliases list. If you need to remove an alias
from the list, select it and click the
click Apply.
button. These changes are saved when you
How to Set the Default Gateway Address
The default gateway address is the IP address of the gateway or router on the local
subnet that is used by default to connect to other subnets.
To specify the default gateway address for the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server:
1. In the navigation panel, select Network Configuration > Configure TCP/IP > Set
Gateway Address.
FIGURE 3-3 The Set Gateway Address Panel
2. Enter the gateway address in the Gateway text box.
3. Click Apply to save your changes.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
How to Set Up DNS
DNS (Domain Name Server) resolves domain names to IP addresses for your Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS system.
Note – If you are using Dynamic DNS, you do not need to manually update the
DNS database. If you are not using Dynamic DNS, be sure you add the Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS server host name and IP address to the DNS database before you enter the
values in this menu. Refer to your DNS documentation for more information.
To set up DNS:
1. In the navigation panel, select Network Configuration > Configure TCP/IP > Set
FIGURE 3-4 The Set Up DNS Panel
2. Select the Enable DNS checkbox to enable DNS. After you enable DNS, you must
fill in each DNS field in this screen.
3. Enter the DNS server domain name in the Domain Name box.
4. Enter the IP address of a DNS Server you want to make available to the network,
then click the
button to add the server to the Server List.
Repeat this step for each DNS server you want to add. You can add up to two DNS
servers to this list.
Chapter 3 Network Configuration
5. The DNS server at the top of the Server List is asked first for domain name
resolution. To rearrange the order of the DNS servers in the list, click on the
server you want to move and click the
buttons. To remove a server
from the list, select the server IP address and click
6. Select the Enable Dynamic DNS checkbox if you want to add the Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS into the DNS namespace automatically. You must also configure the
Kerberos realm and KDC server in the Windows Configuration > Set Up ADS
panel. When you enable Dynamic DNS with this checkbox, non-secure dynamic
updates automatically occur if they are allowed by the DNS server.
7. If you want to enable secure Dynamic DNS updates, complete the following
information. You do not have to do this for non-secure updates.
a. In the DynDNS User Name field, enter the user name of a Windows 2000 user
who can verify the dynamic DNS updates. This user’s workstation must reside
within the ADS domain and Kerberos realm specified in the ADS tab screen.
If you enter the domain administrator name here and the ADS update fails, you
must change the domain administrator password (on the domain controller). This
is only required for the administrator user, and you can reuse the same password.
For more information, refer to the Microsoft Support Services Web site, Article
b. In the DynDNS Password field, enter the password of the DynDNS user. If you
are changing this field, delete the entire password before entering a new one.
8. Click Apply to save your changes.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
File Volume Operations
File System Concepts
The following commonly used terms are briefly described in the following list.
RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks. RAID systems allow data
to be distributed to multiple drives through an array controller for greater data
security and recoverability. The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS offers a RAID 5 array. For
more information on RAID and RAID types, see your RAID controller
LUN stands for Logical Unit Number. A LUN is a logical device, meaning it is
defined in software and does not necessarily conform to a physical device. In the
context of network attached storage (the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS) the LUN defines a
block of storage space, which must be organized and subdivided to be used
Partitions are sections on a LUN. Each LUN can have a maximum of four partitions.
Each partition can either have space allocated to it or be empty. When a LUN is first
created, all of the available space is located in the first partition, while the other
three partitions are empty. Each partition can “contain” only one file volume.
File Volume
File volumes are organized amounts of available storage space and are created from
partitions. The file volume is the space where the user stores information. If the
volume does not use up all of the available space in a partition, the remaining space
is automatically allocated to the next partition. After four volumes are created on a
LUN, any remaining space is inaccessible.
A segment is a portion of a partition that can be attached to an existing file volume
to increase its size. Segments can be “attached” to an existing file volume at any
time. If a file volume is nearly full, attaching a segment gives the users more space to
store data in. See “How to Attach Segments” on page 20 for more information.
How to Create File Volumes and
Every new file volume is limited to 255GB in size. If you want a larger file volume,
create one primary volume and up to 63 segments per LUN. Then attach the
segment(s) to the primary volume to increase its size. For more information about
attaching segments, refer to “How to Attach Segments” on page 20.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
To create a file volume or segment:
1. In the navigation panel, select File Volume Operations > Create File Volumes.
FIGURE 4-1 The Create File Volumes Panel
2. In the LUN box, click the LUN where you want to create the primary file volume.
The partition number for the file volume in the Partition drop-down list will
automatically increment when the file volume is created.
3. Type in the name of the new volume or segment in the Name field.
Valid characters include alphanumeric (a–z, A–Z, 0–9) and “_” (underscore)
characters. The name must be 12 characters or fewer and must begin with an
alphabetical character (a–z, A–Z).
4. Select the file volume type (Primary or Segment).
5. Select whether the size of the file volume is reported in MB (megabytes) or GB
(gigabytes) by clicking on the drop-down list.
6. Type in the file volume size you want in whole numbers. The total space available
is shown directly beneath this field.
7. Click Apply to create the new file volume or segment.
Chapter 4 File Volume Operations
You can add segments to existing primary volumes to increase the volume’s total
size. You can attach a segment from the same LUN or from a different LUN. Once
you add a segment to a volume, you cannot remove it.
You must create a segment before you can attach it to a volume. See “How to Create
File Volumes and Segments” on page 18 for information on creating segments.
To attach a segment:
1. In the navigation panel, select File Volume Operations > Attach Segments.
FIGURE 4-2 The Attach Segments Panel
2. Select the primary volume you are expanding from the Existing Volumes column.
3. Select the segment you are attaching from the Available Segments column.
4. Click Apply to attach the segment to the volume.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Configuring Directory Tree Quotas
Directory tree quotas determine how much disk space is available for a directory or
how many files can be written to it. Quotas can only be configured for directories
created in this panel, not for previously existing directories.
To add a directory tree quota:
1. In the navigation panel, select File Volume Operations > Manage Quotas >
Configure Directory Tree Quotas.
FIGURE 4-3 The Configure Directory Tree Quotas Panel
2. Select the file volume for which you are configuring a directory tree quota.
Chapter 4 File Volume Operations
3. Click Add to display the Add DTQ Setting dialog box.
FIGURE 4-4 The Add DTQ Setting Dialog Box
4. In the DTQ Name field, enter a name to identify this directory tree quota.
5. In the Dir Name field, enter a name for the new directory. You can only configure
directory quotas for directories created in this field.
Underneath the Path field, a box shows the directory tree structure for the file
volume you selected in the Configure Directory Tree Quotas panel.
a. To view the contents of a folder, click the
position, or double-click the folder icon.
symbol next to the folder to the
b. Select the directory that will contain the new directory for which you are
setting this quota.
c. When the full path of the directory is shown in the Path field, continue to the
next field to set disk space and file limitations.
6. Select the disk space limit for the directory in the Disk Space Limits section;
either No Limit or Custom. Selecting No Limit allows unlimited disk space usage
for the directory. Select Custom if you want to designate a maximum amount of
disk space. Then choose whether the quota is reported in MB or GB, and enter the
disk space limit in the Max Value field. Entering a Custom value of 0 (zero) is the
same as choosing No Limit.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
7. In the File Limits field, select the maximum number of files that can be written to
this directory; either No Limit or Custom. Selecting No Limit allows an unlimited
number of files to be written to this directory. Select Custom if you want to
designate a maximum number of files. Then enter the file limit in the Max Value
8. Click Apply to add the quota.
9. Click Apply to save your changes.
How to Create Sun StorEdge File
About Checkpoints
A checkpoint is a virtual read-only copy of a primary file volume. The file volume
remains in read/write operation. However, all of the data existing at the time you
created the checkpoint is still available. You can use a checkpoint to retrieve files that
you have mistakenly modified or deleted and to stabilize backups.
Remember that a checkpoint is a virtual, or imaginary, copy of the file volume. It is
not an online backup. If the file volume is lost, so are all of the checkpoints.
Note – If your users create or modify many files, the system may require a large
amount of storage to retain multiple checkpoint sets of older file versions. The more
checkpoints you create, the more it effect it may have on system performance.
Scheduling Checkpoints
The Schedule Checkpoints panel displays the current checkpoint schedule and lets
you add, edit, and remove scheduled checkpoints. For each scheduled checkpoint,
you can see the file volume name, a description, the scheduled time(s) and day(s),
and the amount of time the system will keep the checkpoint. The keep time is the
number of days plus the number of hours before the checkpoint is automatically
Chapter 4 File Volume Operations
Adding an Entry to the Checkpoint Schedule
When you add a checkpoint to the table, the system automatically sets up a new
checkpoint for the times and dates you request. You can schedule as many
checkpoints as you want. However, the system uses a large amount of space and
system memory for checkpoints. The more checkpoints you create, the more they
affect system performance.
To add a schedule line:
1. The first step in scheduling checkpoints is to enable them for the file volume. If
you have not already enabled checkpoints, do so:
a. In the navigation panel, select File Volume Operations > Edit Properties.
b. Click the Volume Name drop-down list and select the volume on which you
want to enable checkpoints.
c. Be sure the Enable Checkpoints box is checked ( ). By default, this box is
checked. If not, select the box and click Apply.
2. In the navigation panel, select File Volume Operations > Configure Checkpoints >
Schedule Checkpoints.
FIGURE 4-5 The Schedule Checkpoints Panel
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
3. To add a schedule line, click Add.
FIGURE 4-6 The Add Checkpoint Schedule Dialog Box
4. Select the file volume for which you are scheduling checkpoints.
5. Enter a description for the checkpoint in the Description box. This field is
mandatory. You can use it to enter information like the time between checkpoints,
for example “weekly” or “daily.”
6. Select the number of days and hours you want to keep the checkpoint in the Days,
AM Hours, and PM Hours boxes.
a. Select the days on which you want to create the checkpoint. To select more than
one day from this list, hold the Ctrl key while clicking additional days with the
b. In the AM Hours list, select the time(s) of morning when you want to create the
checkpoint. To select more than one time from this list, hold the Ctrl key while
clicking additional times with the mouse.
c. In the PM Hours list, select the time(s) of afternoon or night when you want to
create the checkpoint. To select more than one time from this list, hold the Ctrl
key while clicking additional times with the mouse.
7. Click Apply to save your changes.
Chapter 4 File Volume Operations
Creating Immediate Checkpoints
You can choose whether to schedule a checkpoint or create one immediately. See
“Scheduling Checkpoints” on page 23 for information on setting up a regular
checkpoint schedule.
In the Manage Checkpoints panel, you can create immediate checkpoints as well as
rename and remove existing ones. Unlike scheduled checkpoints, which you create
at a pre-determined day and time, you can create immediate checkpoints at any
To Create an Immediate Checkpoint
You can configure a checkpoint immediately instead of on a time schedule.
To create a new checkpoint manually:
1. To create a checkpoint, you must enable checkpoints for the file volume. If you
have not already enabled checkpoints, do so:
a. In the navigation panel, select File Volume Operations > Edit Properties.
b. Click the Volume Name drop-down list and select the volume on which you
want to enable checkpoints.
c. Be sure the Enable Checkpoints box is checked ( ). By default, this box is
checked. If not, select the box and click Apply.
2. In the navigation panel, select File Volume Operations > Configure Checkpoints >
Manage Checkpoints.
FIGURE 4-7 The Manage Checkpoints Panel
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
3. To create a new checkpoint, click Create.
FIGURE 4-8 The Create Checkpoint Dialog Box
4. Select the Volume Name for which you want to create a checkpoint from the drop-
down list.
5. Select one of the following checkpoint options:
■ Auto Delete – Select Auto Delete if you want the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS to
automatically remove the checkpoint after the number of Keep Days and Keep
Hours have elapsed. In this option the system automatically assigns the name of
the checkpoint. If you select this option, select the number of days and hours the
system should keep the checkpoint.
■ Manual – To name the checkpoint something other than “Backup”, select this
option. Then enter the desired name in the Name field. This checkpoint is not
automatically deleted after the specified time.
6. Click Apply to create the checkpoint.
Chapter 4 File Volume Operations
3. Type the new share name for the checkpoint in the Share Name box. Other
computers on the network use the share name to access the checkpoint through
the network.
FIGURE 4-10 The Add Share Dialog Box
4. The Mac Extensions option is checked by default.
5. Click the Volume Name drop-down list box and select the desired checkpoint
volume from the list. Checkpoint volumes have the “.chkpnt” extension.
6. You can leave the Directory field blank.
7. If you have enabled and configured ADS, type an ADS context in the Container
text box.
Chapter 4 File Volume Operations
8. Click Apply.
Notice the new checkpoint is listed as a share in the Configure Shares panel.
FIGURE 4-11 The Configure Shares Panel
How to Access a Checkpoint
1. Using a workstation on the network, click the Windows Start menu and select
FIGURE 4-12 The Windows Start Menu
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Windows Configuration
How to Configure Microsoft Networking
Configuring the domain, workgroup, or Active Directory Service (ADS) is a
Windows function. If you are running a pure UNIX network, you do not need to
configure either Windows Domains or Windows Workgroups.
Enable Windows Workgroup, NT Domain security, or ADS through the Configure
Domains and Workgroups panel. By default, your Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS is
configured in Windows Workgroup mode, with a workgroup name of “workgroup.”
To configure Windows security:
1. In the navigation panel, select Windows Configuration > Configure Domains and
FIGURE 5-1 The Configure Domains and Workgroups Panel
2. To enable Windows domain security, select the Domain option button. This option
creates an account on the domain for this server. You must specify a user account
with rights to add servers to the specified domain.
Then enter the following:
■ Enter the name of the domain in the Domain field. This name must conform to
the 15-character NetBIOS limitation.
■ Enter the name and password of the administrative domain user in the User
Name and Password fields. The user name can be 16 characters or fewer.
3. To enable Windows workgroup security, click the Workgroup option button.
Then enter the following:
■ Enter the name of the workgroup in the Name field. This name must conform to
the 15-character NetBIOS limitation.
■ In the Comments field, enter a description of the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server
4. To enable ADS, click the Enable ADS checkbox. For more detail about ADS, refer
to "How to Publish Shares in ADS" on page 43.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Note – Prior to enabling ADS, you must verify that the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
time is within five minutes of any ADS Windows 2000 domain controller. To verify
the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS time, select System Operations > Set Time and Date
from the navigation panel.
Then enter the following:
■ In the Domain field, enter the Windows 2000 Domain in which ADS is running.
The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS must belong to this domain.
■ In the User Name field, enter the user name of a Windows 2000 user with
administrative rights. This person must be the domain administrator or a user
who is a member of the domain administrators group. The ADS client verifies
secure ADS updates with this user.
Note – If you enter the domain administrator name here and the ADS update fails,
you must change the domain administrator password (on the domain controller).
Only the administrator user must do this, and he can reuse the same password. For
more information, refer to the Microsoft Support Services Web site, Article Q248808.
■ In the Password field, enter the Windows 2000 administrative user's password.
■ In the Container field, enter the ADS path location of the Windows 2000
administrative user in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
distinguished name (DN) notation.
Note – Do not include the domain name in the path.
■ Enter the name of the local ADS site in the Site field.
■ In the Kerberos Realm Info section, enter the Realm name used to identify ADS.
This is normally the ADS domain or the DNS domain. When you click Apply, this
entry is converted to all upper-case letters.
■ In the Server field, enter the host name of the Kerberos Key Distribution Center
(KDC) server. This is usually the host name of the main domain controller in the
ADS domain. You can leave this field blank if the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS can
locate the KDC server through DNS.
5. Click Apply to save your settings. If you change the security mode from
workgroup to NT domain, or vice versa, the server automatically reboots when
you click Apply.
Chapter 5 Windows Configuration
How to Set Up WINS
A WINS server resolves NetBIOS names to IP addresses, allowing computers on
your network to locate others more quickly and efficiently.
To add a WINS server:
1. In the navigation panel, select Windows Configuration > Set Up WINS.
FIGURE 5-2 The Set Up WINS Panel
2. To enable WINS, click the Enable WINS checkbox. This allows the Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS server to be a WINS client.
3. Enter the primary and secondary WINS server IP addresses in the spaces provided
(Primary WINS Server and Secondary WINS Server). The primary WINS is the
first server consulted for name resolution. If the primary WINS server does not
respond, the secondary WINS server is consulted.
4. Enter the NetBIOS Scope identifier (optional) in the Scope field. Defining a scope
will prevent this computer from communicating with any systems that are outside
the scope. The scope is useful if you want to divide a large Windows workgroup
into smaller groups. If you use a scope, the scope ID must follow NetBIOS name
conventions or domain name conventions and is limited to 16 characters.
5. Click Apply to save your changes.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Windows Shares
About Shares
A shared resource, or share, is a local resource on a server that is accessible to
Windows clients on the network. On a NAS server, it is typically a file volume or a
sub-tree within a volume. Each share is assigned a name by which it is referenced on
the network. To clients on the network, the share appears as a complete volume on
the server, and they do not see the local directory path directly above the root of the
Note – Shares and directories are independent entities. Removing a share does not
affect the underlying directory.
Shares are used to provide network access to home directories on a network file
server. Each user is assigned a home directory within a file volume. A share is then
created to let that user assign their home directory as a network drive on a client
workstation. For example, a volume vol1 may contain a home directory named
home, and subdirectories for users bob and sally. The shares would be defined as
Share Path Examples
Share Name
Directory Path
If manually defining and maintaining a home directory share for each Windows user
is inconvenient, you may want to use the autohome feature. Autohome shares are
temporary shares created when a user logs on to the system and removed when the
user logs off.
Static shares are persistent resources that remain defined regardless of whether or
not users are attached to the server. Autohome shares are temporary shares created
when a user logs on to the system and removed when the user logs off. See “About
Autohome Shares” on page 41 for more information.
Chapter 5 Windows Configuration
How to Configure Shares
The table at the top of Configure Shares panel (in the Windows Configuration folder)
shows information about all existing SMB shares in the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS.
This includes the share name and directories shared and information concerning
Windows Workgroups only (user and group information, Read/Write password, and
Read/Only password).
Note – After you create a volume, you must first create a share for the entire
volume. Then users can access the volume and create directories. Once directories
exist on the volume, you can create individual shares for each directory.
Creating Shares
You must create a file volume before you can create a share.
To add a new SMB share:
1. In the navigation panel, select Windows Configuration > Configure Shares.
FIGURE 5-3 The Configure Shares Panel
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
2. Click Add to display the Add Share dialog box.
FIGURE 5-4 The Add Share Dialog Box
3. Type the name of the share you want to add in the Share Name field. This is the
name that users see on the network. There is a fifteen-character maximum for this
field. The following characters are invalid:
= | : ; \ “ ? < > * /
4. Optionally, add a Comment to describe the share.
5. Select the Desktop DB Calls checkbox in the Mac Extensions section if you want
to let the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS access and set Macintosh desktop database
information. This speeds up Macintosh client file access and allows non-
Macintosh clients to access Macintosh files on the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS.
6. Select the volume to be shared from the list of available volumes in the Volume
Name drop-down list.
7. Enter an existing directory in the Directory field. You cannot create a directory in
this field. Directory names are case-sensitive.
Chapter 5 Windows Configuration
8. The Container field (optional) specifies the ADS container in which the share is
published. This field is available only if you have enabled ADS for the Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS in the Set Up ADS panel. Enter the path in terms of the
share’s cn (common name) folder or ou (organizational unit). The cn folders are
default folders in the root folder. All other containers are ou folders.
For example, if the share resides in a “shares” organizational folder within an
organizational parent folder called “accounting,” you would type the following:
Note – Do not include the domain name in the path.
9. The User ID, Group ID, and Password fields are only available if you enable
Windows Workgroup mode (not NT Domain mode) on the Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS. See “How to Configure Microsoft Networking” on page 33 for information
on enabling Windows security models.
Windows Workgroup uses share-level security. The User ID (UID), Group ID (GID),
and password fields in this screen are the sole means of security for Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS file ownership and access by Windows Workgroup users. In other words,
the rights to a directory are determined by the share definition not by the user. The
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS assumes that the client has not authenticated any request
and explicitly asks for permission through passwords for every share-connection
You can create multiple shares for the same directory with different UIDs, GIDs, and
passwords. You can then give each user a password for a specific share. You can also
manage individual user and group limitations on the amount of file volume space
and number of files used through quotas. For more information about quotas, refer
to the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Software Installation, Configuration, and User Guide.
a. User ID and Group ID – Enter the UID and GID of the user accessing the
specified directory through this share. The default value for this field is “0”
(zero), which is the value of the UNIX root user. However, be careful when you
assign this value. In Windows Workgroup mode, entering zero in these fields
disables all security on all files and directories in that share.
b. R/W Password – Enter the password for Windows Workgroup users who have
read/write access to the directories specified for this share.
c. Confirm R/W Password – Re-enter the R/W password for confirmation.
d. R/O Password – Enter the password for Windows Workgroup users who have
read-only access to the directories specified for this share.
e. Confirm R/O Password – Re-enter the R/O password for confirmation.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
10. In the Umask field, enter the file creation mask, if any, you want to apply to this
share. The umask defines the security policy for files and directories created in
Share mode. It specifies the permission bits to turn off when a file is created.
The umask is defined in octal because octal numbers comprise three bits, which
maps easily to the UNIX file permission representation. The umask is applied using
standard UNIX rules, except for the DOS read-only attribute. If the DOS read-only
attribute is set when the file is created, all write bits will be removed from the file’s
permissions after the umask has been applied.
The following table shows umask to permission examples, including the effect of the
DOS read-only attribute.
Umask Permission Examples
New Directory Permissions
New File Permissions
777 (rwxrwxrwx)
000 (---------)
555 (r-xr-xr-x)
000 (---------)
555 (r-xr-xr-x)
555 (r-xr-xr-x)
666 (rw-rw-rw)
000 (---------)
444 (r--r--r--)
000 (---------)
444 (r--r--r--)
444 (r--r--r--)
755 (rwxr-xr-x)
775 (rwxrwxr-x)
644 (rw-r--r--)
664 (rw-rw-r--)
11. Click Apply to save your changes.
How to Configure Autohome Shares
About Autohome Shares
The SMB/CIFS autohome share feature eliminates the administrative task of
defining and maintaining home directory shares for each Windows user accessing
the system. The system creates autohome shares when a user logs on and removes
them when the user logs off.
To configure the autohome feature, enable it and provide an autohome path. The
autohome path is the base directory path for the directory shares. For example, if a
user’s home directory is /vol1/home/sally, set the autohome path to /vol1/home.
The temporary share is named sally. The user’s home directory name must be the
same as the user’s logon name.
Chapter 5 Windows Configuration
When a user logs on, the server checks for a subdirectory that matches the user’s
name. If a match is found and that share does not already exist, a temporary share is
added. When the user logs off, the share is removed.
Windows clients can automatically log a user off after fifteen minutes of inactivity,
which results in the autohome share disappearing from the list of published shares.
This is normal CIFS protocol behavior. If the user clicks on the server name or
otherwise attempts to access the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS (for example, through an
Explorer window), the share automatically reappears.
Note – All autohome shares are removed when the system reboots.
Configuring Autohome Shares
To enable autohome shares:
1. In the navigation panel, select Windows Configuration > Configure Autohome.
FIGURE 5-5 The Configure Autohome Shares Panel
2. Select the Enable Autohome checkbox.
3. Enter the Autohome Path. See “About Autohome Shares” on page 41 for the path
name rules.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
4. Enter the ADS Container. This specifies the ADS container in which the shares
are published. The shares are published in ADS only if you configure ADS for the
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS in the Set Up ADS panel.
Enter the path using the share’s cn (common name) folder or ou (organizational
unit). The cn folders are default folders in the root folder. All other folders are ou
folders. For example, if the share resides in a “shares” organizational folder within
an organizational parent folder called “home,” you type:
ou=shares, ou=home
Note – Do not include the domain name in the path.
5. Click Apply to save your changes.
How to Publish Shares in ADS
Active Directory Service (ADS) is a Windows 2000 namespace integrated with the
Domain Name Server (DNS). ADS runs only on domain controllers. In addition to
storing and making data available, ADS also protects network objects from
unauthorized access and replicates objects across a network so that data is not lost if
a domain controller fails. When you enable and set up ADS, the Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS automatically performs ADS updates.
In order for the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS to integrate seamlessly into a Windows 2000
Active Directory environment, the following items must exist on the network:
■ A Windows 2000 server domain controller
■ An Active Directory-integrated DNS server allowing dynamic updates (needed in
order to use the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Dynamic DNS capability) should be
used but is not required for using ADS.
After setting up ADS, you can enable ADS to publish specific Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS shares in the ADS directory. To do so, create or update Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
SMB shares and specify the share container for each share you want to publish.
Chapter 5 Windows Configuration
Setting Up ADS
To enable ADS service with Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS:
1. In the navigation panel, select System Operations > Set Time and Date.
FIGURE 5-6 The Set Time and Date Panel
2. Verify that the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS time is within five minutes of any ADS
Windows 2000 domain controller. Click Apply to save any changes.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
3. In the navigation panel, select Windows Configuration > Configure Domains and
FIGURE 5-7 The Configure Domains and Workgroups Panel
4. Select the Enable ADS checkbox.
5. In Domain, enter the Windows 2000 Domain in which ADS is running. The Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS must belong to this domain.
6. In the User Name field, enter the user name of a Windows 2000 user with
administrative rights. This user must be the domain administrator or a user that is
a member of the domain Administrators group. The ADS client verifies secure
ADS updates with this user.
Note – If you enter the domain administrator name here and the ADS update fails,
you must change the domain administrator password (on the domain controller).
This is only required for the administrator user and the same password may be
reused. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Support Services Web site,
Article Q248808.
7. In the Password field, enter the Windows 2000 administrative user's password.
Chapter 5 Windows Configuration
8. In the Container field, enter the ADS path of the Windows 2000 administrative
user in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name (DN)
Enter the path using the user's cn (common name) folder or ou (organizational unit).
The cn folders are default folders in the root folder. All other folders are ou folders.
For example, if the user is in a “users” organizational folder within an organizational
parent folder called “accounting,” type:
Note – Do not include the domain name in the path.
9. In the Site field, enter the name of the local ADS site if different from the ADS
domain. This field is usually left blank.
10. In the Kerberos Realm Info section, enter the Realm name used to identify ADS.
This is the ADS domain or the DNS domain. When you click Apply, this entry
converts to all upper-case letters.
11. In the Server field, enter the host name of the Kerberos Key Distribution Center
(KDC) server. This is the host name of the main domain controller in the ADS
domain. You can leave this field blank if the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS can locate
the KDC server through DNS.
12. Click Apply to save your changes.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Verifying Name Service Lookup Order
1. Verify that the name service lookup order for DNS is enabled and set to the
desired priority. To do so, select UNIX Configuration > Configure Name Services.
FIGURE 5-8 The Configure Name Services Panel
The DNS Service is listed under the Hosts Order tab. Be sure the DNS service is
listed under Services Selected in the right-hand box. If it is not, select the DNS
service and click the
2. Use the
buttons to change the order in which the selected services are
3. Click Apply to save any changes.
Chapter 5 Windows Configuration
Verifying DNS Configuration
1. In the navigation panel, select Network Configuration > Configure TCP/IP > Set
2. Select the Enable DNS checkbox to enable DNS.
FIGURE 5-9 The Set Up DNS Panel
3. Enter the DNS Domain Name. This must be the same as the ADS domain.
4. In the Server field, enter the IP address of the DNS server you want the Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS server to use.
5. Then click the
button to place the server address in the DNS Server List.
6. Select the Enable Dynamic DNS checkbox. If Dynamic DNS is not enabled, you
must manually add the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS host name and IP address to DNS.
Note – You must also configure the Kerberos realm and KDC in the Set Up ADS
panel and your DNS server must allow dynamic updates in order for the Dynamic
DNS feature to work.
7. In the DynDNS User Name field, enter the user name of a Windows 2000 user
with the administrative rights to perform secure dynamic DNS updates. This user
must reside within the ADS domain, ADS container, and Kerberos realm specified
in the Configure Names and Workgroups panel.
Leave this field blank for non-secure updates if they are allowed by the DNS server.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
8. In the DynDNS Password field, enter the password of the Dynamic DNS user.
9. Click Apply to save your changes. If you enable Dynamic DNS, the Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS immediately updates DNS with its host name and IP address.
Publishing Shares in ADS
To publish shares in ADS:
1. In the navigation panel, select Windows Configuration > Configure Shares.
2. Click Add to display the Add Share dialog box.
FIGURE 5-10 The Add Share Dialog Box
3. Enter a Share Name.
4. Optionally, add a Comment to describe the share.
5. Select a volume to be shared from the Volume Name pull-down box.
6. In the Directory field, enter an existing directory on the selected volume that you
want to share. This field is optional.
Chapter 5 Windows Configuration
7. In the Container field, enter the location in the ADS directory in which the share
is to be published. This field is available only if you enable ADS for the Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS in the Configure Domains and Workgroups panel.
Enter the path using the share cn (common name) folder or ou (organizational unit).
The cn folders are default folders in the root folder. All other folders are ou folders.
For example, if the share resides in a “shares” folder within a parent folder called
“accounting,” type:
Note – Do not include the domain name in the path.
8. Click Apply.
Note – The folder specified must exist to publish the share in that folder. Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS does not create folders (container objects) in the ADS tree.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
To enable LDAP service on the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS:
1. In the navigation panel, select UNIX Configuration> Set Up NSSLDAP.
FIGURE 6-1 The Set Up NSSLDAP Panel
2. To enable LDAP, check the Enable NSSLDAP checkbox.
3. In the Domain field, enter the domain name of the LDAP server, e.g., foo.com.
4. In the Password field, enter the password set on the LDAP server.
5. In the Server field, enter the IP address fo the LDAP server.
6. In the Proxy field, enter the proxy domain, depending on the server settings.
7. Click Apply to save the settings.
Setting Up NIS
The Set Up NIS panel allows you to enable Network Information Service (NIS) and
specify the domain name and server IP address.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
To configure NIS:
1. In the navigation panel, select UNIX Configuration > Set Up NIS.
FIGURE 6-1 The Set Up NIS Panel
2. Select the Enable NIS checkbox. This creates a central database on the Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS for host, user, and group information.
3. Enter the name of the domain you want to use for NIS services in the Domain
Name field. The database for host, user, and group information is in this domain.
Use the DNS naming conventions (for example, hostname.domain.com).
4. Enter the IP address or name of the NIS server in the Server field. This is the
server from which the database is imported.
Leave the Server field blank if you do not know the server IP address. However, if
you leave the Server field blank, you must select the you must select the Use
Broadcast checkbox. Use Broadcast automatically acquires the appropriate IP
address of the NIS server.
5. Select Use Broadcast, if necessary. (See above.)
6. Select the Update Hosts checkbox to update host information.
7. Select the Update Users checkbox to update user information.
Chapter 6 UNIX Configuration
8. Select the Update Groups checkbox to update group information.
9. Select the Update Netgroups checkbox to update net group information.
10. Click Apply to save your changes.
Setting Up NIS+
Network Information Service Plus (NIS+) was designed to replace NIS, and is the
new default naming service for Solaris OS. NIS+ provides limited support to NIS
clients, but mainly addresses problems that NIS cannot address.
Note – There is no relation between NIS+ and NIS. The commands and the overall
structure of NIS+ are different from NIS.
To set up NIS+:
1. For the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS to function correctly in an NIS+ environment, you
must add the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server to the host credential file on the
NIS+ server. At your NIS+ server:
a. Log in as root.
b. Enter the following command:
nisaddcred –p unix.SERVER.@DOMAIN -P SERVER.DOMAIN. des
where SERVERis the name of the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server, and DOMAINis
the name of the NIS+ domain that the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS is joining.
Note – You must add a period to the end of the domain name only after the -P
For example, if the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS is named SS2, and its NIS+ domain is
sun.com, enter the following command:
nisaddcred –p unix.ss2@sun.com –P ss2.sun.com. des
c. You are prompted for a password. This password is also used later in this
procedure for configuring the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS to use NIS+. Enter the
2. From a remote workstation, open a Web browser window to the Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS server and log into Web Administrator.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
3. In the navigation panel, select UNIX Configuration > Configure Name Services.
FIGURE 6-2 The Configure Name Services Panel
4. Add the NIS+ service to the Services Selected list by selecting it and clicking the
5. Using the
buttons, set the order in which the name services (including
NIS+) are used for user, group, netgroup, and host name resolution.
6. Click Apply to save your changes.
Chapter 6 UNIX Configuration
7. In the navigation panel, select UNIX Configuration > Set Up NIS+.
FIGURE 6-3 The Set Up NIS+ Panel
8. Select the Enable NIS+ checkbox.
9. In the Home Domain Server field, enter the NIS+ home domain server IP address.
If you don’t know the home domain server IP address, leave this field blank and
select the Use Broadcast checkbox. When this option is selected, the Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS automatically acquires the appropriate IP address for the home domain
Note – NIS+ domain names must end with a period (“.”).
11. Enter the Secure RPC Password for the NIS+ server. This is the password that was
set during step 1.c.
12. Enter the Search Path as a colon-separated list of domains. The search path
identifies the domains that NIS+ searches through when looking for information.
Leave this space empty to search only the home domain and its parents.
For example: If the NIS+ domain is eng.sun.com.and the search path is left blank,
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS first searches eng.sun.com.then sun.com.when
resolving names. Conversely, specifying a search path such as sun.com.instructs
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS to search only in the domain of sunwhen resolving names.
13. Select the Use Broadcast checkbox if you do not know the IP address of the home
domain server.
14. Click Apply to save changes.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Setting Name Service Lookup Order
The Name Service (NS) lookup order controls the sequence in which the name
services are searched to resolve a query. These name services can include LDAP,
NIS, NIS+, DNS, and Local. You must enable the selected services to use them for
name resolution.
To set the order for user, group, netgroup, and host lookup:
1. In the navigation panel, select UNIX Configuration > Configuring Name Services.
FIGURE 6-4 The Configure Name Services Panel
2. Select the order of user lookup in the Users Order tab:
a. Select a service to be used in user lookup from the Services Not Selected box.
b. Click the
button to move it to the Services Selected box.
c. Repeat this process for each service used in user lookup.
d. To remove a service from user lookup, select it and click the
Chapter 6 UNIX Configuration
e. Then arrange the order of lookup services in the Services Selected box by
selecting each service.
f. Click the
buttons to move it up or down. The service at the top of
the list is used first in user lookup.
3. Select the services used for group lookup in the Groups Order tab, following the
procedure in step 2.
4. Select the services used for netgroup lookup in the Netgroup Order tab, following
the procedure in step 2.
5. Select the services used for host lookup in the Hosts Order tab, following the
procedure in step 2. Click Apply to save your changes.
How to Configure Hosts
The table in the Set Up Hosts panel shows current host information, including host
name, host IP address, and whether or not the host is trusted.
Warning – Be careful when granting trusted status to hosts. Trusted hosts have root
access to the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS file system and have full read/write access to
all files and directories on the system.
Adding a Host
The Set Up Hosts panel primarily allows you to view host information and designate
whether a host is trusted. A root user on an NFS client has root privileges on the Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS if you defined that client as a trusted host, and has access to all
files regardless of file permissions.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
To manually add a host to the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server:
1. In the navigation panel, select UNIX Configuration > Configure NFS > Set Up
FIGURE 6-5 The Set Up Hosts Panel
2. Then click Add to display the Add Host dialog box.
FIGURE 6-6 The Add Host Dialog Box
3. Enter the Host Name. This is the name which identifies the host on the network.
This entry can include alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), “-” (dash), “_” (underscore),
and “.” (period) characters only. The first character must be alphabetical (a-z or A-
Z only).
4. Enter the new host’s IP Address.
5. Select the appropriate checkbox to identify whether the host is Trusted. A trusted
host has root access to the network server.
6. Click Apply to save your changes.
Chapter 6 UNIX Configuration
How to Set Up NFS Exports
NFS exports let you specify access privileges (exports) for UNIX users to specified
volumes. The Exports table shows the current NFS export information, including the
accessible directories, host name, and access level (Read/Write or Read/Only) for
each export.
Any host name beginning with “@” identifies a group of hosts. For instance, a host
name of @general identifies all hosts, and a host name of @trusted identifies all
trusted hosts.
Creating Exports
To specify access privileges for a particular UNIX host:
1. In the navigation panel, select UNIX Configuration > Configure NFS > Configure
FIGURE 6-7 The Configure Exports Panel
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
2. If you have not created any exports, this space is blank. Click Add to create an
FIGURE 6-8 The Add NFS Exports Dialog Box
3. In the Path box, select the volume for which you want to grant UNIX host access.
Then type the path in the Path field.
The Full Path field displays the volume and path input.
4. In the Access box, specify whether the host(s) have Read/Write, Read/Only, or No
Access privileges on the selected volume.
5. In the Hosts section, select the host or hosts for which you are defining an NFS
export. Choose from the following:
■ Host Netgroups – If you want to select a networked group of hosts, select this
option button. From the drop-down list, select the netgroup for which you are
defining this export.
■ Host Group – If you want to select all hosts or all trusted hosts, select this option
button. From the drop-down list, select either general (all hosts) or trusted (all
trusted hosts).
■ Known Host – If you want to assign the export to a host added through the Set
Up Hosts panel, select this option. From the drop-down list, select the host for
which you are defining this export.
■ Other Host – If you want to assign the export to an individual host that you have
not added through the Set Up Hosts panel, select this option and type in the name
of the host.
6. Click Apply to save the export.
Chapter 6 UNIX Configuration
7. In the Configure Exports panel, check that the correct path, host, and access are
shown for the export you created.
8. Click Apply to save your changes.
Mapping User and Group Credentials
If your system includes both UNIX and Windows environments, you can ensure that
users and groups can access Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS files from either environment.
To map users and groups between UNIX and Windows:
1. In the navigation panel, select Windows Configuration > Manage SMB/CIFS
Mapping > Configure Mapping Policy.
FIGURE 6-9 The Configure Mapping Policy Panel
2. The Windows <--> UNIX User Mapping Choice section determines the user
mapping settings on the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS.
■ Default Mapping – Select this option to disable user mapping. Do this if you
have users with identical user names or full names who must have separate
access rights.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
■ Map by User Name – Select this option to map UNIX and NT users with identical
user names, allowing the same user to access the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS from
both environments.
■ Map by Full Name – Select this option to map UNIX and NT users that have
identical full names.
3. The Windows <--> UNIX Group Mapping Choice section lets you determine the
group mapping settings.
■ Default Mapping – Select this option to disable group mapping. The system will
not recognize groups with the same name as one group.
■ Map by Group Name – Select this option to map UNIX and NT groups that have
identical group names.
■ Map to Primary Group – Select this option to map to the NFS group in the
primary group field in the configured passwdfile.
4. Click Apply to save your changes.
Chapter 6 UNIX Configuration
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
System Backup
How to Set Up NDMP
The Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) is an open protocol for network-
based backup. NDMP architecture lets network attached storage vendors ship
NDMP-compliant servers that you can use with any NDMP-compliant backup
administration application.
1. In the navigation panel, select System Backup > Set Up NDMP.
FIGURE 7-1 The Set Up NDMP Panel
2. Select the NDMP NIC used for data transfer to the backup tape drive.
The gateway address is displayed for each NIC. If the NDMP backup tape device is
located on another network, make sure you select the NIC that connects to the
correct gateway.
3. Click Apply to save your changes.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Monitoring and Notification
How to Configure SNMP
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) communications allow you to
conduct SNMP monitoring. Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS supports SNMP monitoring
only (not SNMP management).
To interpret Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Message Information Blocks (MIB), you must
copy the MIB files included in the “MIB Files” folder on the documentation CD to
your network management system. (If you have updated the Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS software, copy updated MIB files from the same location.) Refer to your
network management application documentation for information about how to use
these files.
To set up SNMP:
1. In the navigation panel, select Monitoring and Notification > Configure SNMP.
FIGURE 8-1 The Configure SNMP Panel
2. Select the Enable SNMP checkbox.
3. Enter the SNMP community to which the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS belongs in the
Server SNMP Community field.
4. The Contact Info and System Location fields are description fields. In the Contact
Info field, enter the name of the person who is responsible for this Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS system. In the System Location field, enter the network location. The
location can be physical or logical.
5. To add a new target address, enter the following information in an unused line of
the SNMP table:
a. Destination IP Address – Enter the TCP/IP address for the server you want to
designate as an SNMP trap destination.
b. Port # – Enter the port to which the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS sends traps. The
default value is port 162.
c. Version – Choose the SNMP protocol version (either 1 or 2) from the pull-down
d. Community – Enter the community string for the trap destination.
e. Enable – Select the checkbox in this column to enable this particular target
address to become a trap destination.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
6. To remove a target address, select the line you want to remove, and click the
7. Click Apply to save your changes.
How to Set Up E-mail Notification
Set the SMTP server name and e-mail notification recipients in this screen. When a
system error is detected, Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS sends a notification e-mail message
to the designated recipients.
To ensure name resolution, you must have either set up the SMTP server host name
in the Configure Hosts panel, or set up DNS.
To set up SMTP and e-mail notification recipients:
1. In the navigation panel, select Monitoring and Notification > Set Up Email
FIGURE 8-2 The Set Up Email Notification Panel
2. Enter the name of the SMTP server to which you want to send notifications.
3. Enter the e-mail address of the person you want to automatically notify of system
errors in the Email Address box.
Chapter 8 Monitoring and Notification
4. Specify the types of e-mail for the recipient. Check the Notification option, the
Diagnostics option, or both.
5. Select a notification level by clicking Errors, Errors and Warning, or None.
6. Click the
button to add the new recipient to the list of recipients.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for all recipients. You may enter a maximum of four e-
mail addresses.
8. If you need to remove a recipient from the list, select the recipient and click the
9. Select the desired the Notification Level.
■ Click the Errors and Warnings checkbox if you want to enable the server to notify
recipients of all warnings and errors.
■ Click Errors Only if you want e-mail recipients to receive notification of errors,
but not warnings.
■ Click None if you do not want Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS to notify anyone.
10. Click Apply to save your changes.
How to Enable UPS Monitoring
Caution – Connect the status output of the UPS to the UPS monitoring port on the
rear of the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS before you enable UPS monitoring. (Refer to the
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Hardware Installation, Configuration, and User Guide for
connection details.) Otherwise, the monitoring system will notify you of a UPS
Note – The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS does not support UPS management, only
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
2. Click Add LUN.
FIGURE 9-2 The Add LUN Dialog Box
3. Select the drives for the LUN by clicking the drive images. You must select at least
three drives. If only three drives are available, they are automatically selected.
The drive images show the status of each drive as follows:
Add LUN Drive Status Images
The drive in this slot can be selected for LUN
The drive in this slot has been selected for LUN
The drive in this slot cannot be selected for LUN
removal because it already has another designation.
No drive is present in this slot
4. Choose one of the following options for the new LUN:
■ New Volume – Select this option to create a new volume for this LUN. Type the
name of the new volume in the space provided.
Chapter 9 Managing RAID
■ Existing Volume – Select this option if the purpose of this LUN is to add disk
space to an existing volume (for example, to create and attach a segment). Then
select the volume you are expanding from the drop-down list.
■ None – Select this option to create a new LUN without assigning it a name.
5. Click Apply to add the new LUN. Allow several hours for LUN creation.
Rebuilding a LUN
If one of the drives in a LUN fails, the LED on that drive turns red. The system
rebuilds the LUN automatically if a drive is specified as a hot spare. Rebuilding may
take several hours to complete.
If the system does not include a hot spare, the failed drive must be removed and
replaced with another drive of the same capacity.
After you replace the faulty disk, the RAID controller automatically rebuilds the
LUN. LUN rebuilding may take several hours, depending on disk capacity. The LUN
drive LEDs blink yellow during LUN rebuilding.
Removing a LUN
To remove a LUN:
1. In the navigation panel, select RAID > Manage RAID.
2. Click Remove LUN.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
3. The system automatically selects the drives belonging to the LUN you are
removing. You can only remove the most recently added LUN.
FIGURE 9-3 The Remove LUN Dialog Box
Caution – When you select Yes, all data on the LUN will be destroyed.
4. Click Yes to remove the LUN.
Configuring Hot Spares
Designating a Hot Spare
To designate a disk in the array as a hot spare:
1. In the navigation panel, select RAID > Manage RAID.
Chapter 9 Managing RAID
2. Click Add HS.
FIGURE 9-4 The Add Hot Spare Dialog Box
3. Select the drive you want by clicking the drive image. The default selection is the
left-most available drive on the screen. Be sure that the disk you use as a hot spare
is at least as large as the largest disk in any LUN on this Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
4. Click Apply to add the new hot spare.
Removing a Hot Spare
To remove hot spare status from a drive in the RAID array:
1. In the navigation panel, select RAID > Manage RAID.
2. Select the hot spare to be removed by clicking the drive image. If there is only one
hot spare, it is automatically selected.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
This appendix provides instructions for sending a diagnostic e-mail and contacting
Sun Microsystems Technical Support team.
If you have problems with the physical components of the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS,
see the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Hardware Installation, Configuration, and User Guide on
the documentation CD or Setup Poster included with your package.
Sending a Diagnostic E-mail Message
The diagnostic e-mail feature allows you to send e-mail messages to the Sun
Microsystems Technical Support team or any other desired recipient. Diagnostic
e-mail messages include information about the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS system
configuration, disk subsystem, file system, network configuration, SMB shares,
backup/restore processes, /etc. information, system log, environment data, and
administrator information.
Every diagnostic e-mail message sent includes all of this information, regardless of
the problem.
To set up diagnostic e-mail:
1. In the toolbar at the top of the screen, select the
dialog box appears.
button. The Diagnostic Email
FIGURE A-1 The Diagnostic Email Dialog Box
2. Enter a description of the problem in the Problem Description field. This is a
mandatory entry and is limited to 256 characters.
3. Enter at least one e-mail recipient by typing it in the E-mail Address field. To
include Sun Microsystems Technical Support as a recipient, enter
4. Check the type of message you want to send: Notification, Diagnostic, or both.
5. Click the
button to add the new recipient to the List of recipients. You can add
a maximum of four e-mail addresses in the list.
To remove a recipient from the list, select the e-mail address and click the
6. Click Send to send the message.
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Contacting Technical Support
We hope the instructions provided in this user’s guide are complete and clear
enough to meet your needs. If you need further assistance, contact Sun
We take pride in providing highly responsive, world-class service to ensure the
highest levels of on-going customer satisfaction with all of our products.
For technical problems requiring on-site service, Sun Microsystems provides
professional, experienced field engineers, who work closely with our Technical
Support Engineers for total solution support. For more information about
purchasing an on-site service package for your system, contact your sales
representative or reseller.
You can contact Sun Microsystems Technical Support Engineers in a variety of ways
or obtain technical information (specifications, files, answers to frequently asked
questions) by going to http://www.sun.com/service/contacting/solution.html.
Appendix Troubleshooting
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
NFS exports 60
DNS server 15
hot spares 77
LUNs 73
Windows security 33
network 2
Contact info, SNMP administrator 68
Contacting Technical Support 83
setting up
GUI 34
about 14
adding 14
LUNs 76
Broadcast address 13
enabling 15
setting up 15
DNS server, adding 15
Clients 2
Community string 68
security 34
Domain Name System - see DNS 15
Dynamic DNS, setting up 15, 16
GUI 34
alias IP addresses 14
gateway address 14
hosts 58
GUI 52
network adapters 13
E-mail notification
recipient list 70
IP address
aliases 14
configuring 13
setting up 69
GUI 52
NIS 53
enabling 52
NIS+ 56
SNMP trap destinations 68
UPS monitoring 71
workgroup security 34
file volume 19
NetBIOS 34
segment 19
Errors, e-mail notification 70
Exports, configuring 60
Lookup order for name services 57
rebuilding 76
removing 76
name limits 19
Mapping 62
Gateway address
configuring 14
Monitoring, UPS 70
setting for NDMP 66
domain 34
segment 19
file access 61
setting up 58
trusted 59
Name service lookup order 51, 57
Name services
DNS 15, 57
Local 57
Hot spares
adding 77
NIS 52, 57
NIS+ 54, 57
removing 78
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
gateway address 66
NIC 66
Security 2
Windows 33
name limits 19
Sending a diagnostic e-mail 81
Network adapters
configuring 13
locations 12
server name 11
Network Information Service - see NIS 52
configuring exports 60
NFS exports 60
NIS 52
NIS+ 54
Windows security 33
server 53
server 69
setting up 69
RPC password 56
setting up 54
of errors 69
of warnings 69
configuring 67
server community 68
Supported clients 2
configuring with DHCP 13
configuring with Web Administrator 11
Technical Support, contacting 83
Trusted host 58, 59
Rebuilding a LUN 76
RPC password 56
Umask 41
Search path, NIS+ 56
UNIX settings
adding hosts 59
NIS 53
NIS+ 54
groups in NIS 54
Hosts in NIS 53
users in NIS 53
User mapping 62
Viewing controller information 79
Warnings, e-mail notification 70
models 33
enabling 34
Windows settings
mapping 62
enabling 34
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
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